Industrial Kosher Articles

Everything You Wanted To Know About OU Direct And Never In Your Wildest Dreams Thought To Ask

From the moment it appeared upon the scene and changed the face of kosher certification forever, OU Direct has been the subject of intense speculation, rampant rumors and wild conjecture. What can it do? Where did it come from? What powers it? Who is behind it? Why is there grass growing in the ice cream […]

FDA Guidelines on Carmine Bring a Boon to the Kosher Consumer

We have all heard of the dangers associated with artificial colors. With many artificial colors having been found to be carcinogenic, one certainly understands that consumers would prefer not to see “artificial colors” listed on the ingredient panel, and industry is proud to prominently display a “No Artificial Colors” disclaimer to win over the health conscious consumer. This has helped spur demand for cochineal extract and carmine (a more purified form of cochineal extract). These dyes are made from carminic acid which is extracted from the cochineal scale insect and are therefore natural products.

A Kosher Formula

I have heard it said that running a successful kosher program is as easy as PIE: Products, Ingredients and Equipment. One must keep an updated schedule B (products) an updated schedule A (ingredients) and have a proper system for keeping track of the kosher/pareve status of equipment. I would like to add another interpretation to this wise adage. Running a successful kosher program is as easy as π (as in 3.14159…).

For A Traveling RFR, It’s A Long And Winding Road To The Nearest Plant

As a traveling RFR (rabbinic field representative) for more years than I care to admit to, one quickly learns that regardless of how carefully we plan our days, flexibility is the key to success.

Can’t Duck the Issue: The Runner Duck Has a Lengthy Past but an Uncertain Future

The mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is one of the most colorful and common ducks in the United States, being found in wetlands as well as city ponds. Many of the ducks migrate across the United States, while others are supported year round by duck enthusiasts. Your Convenient Portal to Your OU Account

Why should I use OUDirect?

Loyal readers of these pages will not be shocked to learn that the Orthodox Union has invested large sums of money and some of its top talent in the project. You know what is: it’s the portal which allows your company immediate and 24-hour access to major parts of your relationship with the OU.

Breakstone’s Butter: Perfection on Bread and Vegetables

Company Overview: American families have been reserving a place at the table for Breakstone’s® Butter for more than five generations. The perfect butter for all types of breads and vegetables, Breakstone’s uses only the best kosher ingredients to assure the rich flavor and quality that complement any meal. Breakstone’s Butter is Grade AA, kosher certified by the Orthodox Union, and the only butter certified Kosher for Passover. Visit to locate retailers that carry Breakstone’s butter and to browse delicious recipes.

Understanding the Complexities of Kosher Baby Food

Baby food is big business. Infant nutrition is a multi-billion dollar sector! There are several major players in the “jarred” or “ready” baby food market. Probably the two most familiar producers are Gerber (a division of Nestle´) and Beech-Nut Nutrition (a division of Hero). Other major players include Nature’s Goodness (a division of Bay Valley Foods) and Earth’s Best (a division of The Hain Celestial Group) – the largest manufacturer of organic baby foods.

Off the Beaten Track: In a Visit to Armenia, an OU RFR Finds Pleasant People and Excellent Products

Bordered by Georgia (the one Stalin came from, not the one Scarlett O’Hara came from), Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran, and located between the Black and Caspian Seas, the former Soviet republic of Armenia, independent since 1991, has become the latest country to produce kosher products certified by the Orthodox Union.

Dairy Industry Training Webinar

On Friday October 16th the OU presented the first of a two-part webinar (Internet seminar) on dairy hashgacha. The second session took place one week later on Friday, October 23. Rabbi Yaakov Mendelson, Senior Dairy RC, moderated the sessions and presented e-mail questions sent in advance and on-the-spot by RFRs; Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer and Rabbi Avrohom Juravel responded verbally and live to the questions.