Industrial Kosher Articles

Kosher Gelatin: Innovation and Tradition

Kosher gelatin, a common ingredient in a wide array of food products, desserts, candies, yogurts, vitamins, and pharmaceutical applications, has been transforming the culinary and health landscape offering kosher solutions for both consumers and manufacturers. What is Gelatin and Why is Kosher Gelatin Needed? Gelatin is derived from collagen, a component of the skins and […]

A Healthier Twist on Kosher Snacking: New Trends from Expo West 2023

A Healthier Twist on Kosher Snacking: New Trends from Expo West 2023 Natural Products Expo West is an annual event that brings together brands, innovators, and industry professionals in the natural, organic, and healthy products sector. Since its inception in 1981, Expo West has grown to become one of the largest trade shows in the […]

Tailorzyme Tailor-Made Enzyme Solutions for Feeding the World

  Tailorzyme, co-founded by Lars Peter Andersen and Bent Piil Pedersen, is based in Denmark and has been in business since 2015.   Their focus is on applications where an enzymatic solution will bring value to their customers and benefit society by more efficiently using raw materials and improving the impact on the environment.   In some […]

FIT Gelatins and Kosher Bovine Collagen

FIT (Food Industry Technology) Gelatins, founded by David Holzer, is North America’s largest supplier of verifiable kosher gelatin and has been OU Kosher certified since 1993.  In addition to kosher gelatin FIT Gelatins also produces OU Kosher certified collagen powder which is produced using enzymes. Their products derived from kosher fish and the hides of […]

When It’s Enzyme Time, Call On The OU

THE ENZYME INDUSTRY and its component, the food grade enzyme industry, are areas that have grown rapidly over the last forty to fifty years. Enzymes are currently used to create all sorts of different properties in foods, throughout food manufacturing. Examples include the starch industry, production of cheese and other dairy products, bakery products, the egg industry, juice and wine production – and we could go on and on. Enzymes have been found to do all sorts of interesting things such as liquefy solids, sweeten starch syrups, curdle milk for cheese production, act as a clarifier in juice production, de-sugar egg whites to prevent browning during drying – and again the list goes on and on. It can truly be said that the use of food grade enzymes is now “mainstream,” as their usage is found in all sorts of production situations, large, medium and small.

Kosher Chocolate Mystery and an OU Rabbi

I once visited a U.S. company that manufactured both dairy and pareve kosher-certified chocolate. This is what the process looked like.  They start off putting dry, powdered ingredients like sugar and cocoa powder through a refiner, which is a series of rollers that crush the powder to make it even finer, each successive roller grinding […]

Biodiesel and Kosher Glycerin: A look at this important fuel and its valuable byproduct

Kosher Glycerin in Demand About 350,000 tons of glycerin are produced in the United States each year. In part because of decreased government subsidies, and certain other economic factors, kosher glycerin is harder to come by than it was previously. Along with using plant-based feedstock, making the refineries kosher, under rabbinic supervision, makes it possible […]

OU Kosher Convenes Annual Conference for Rabbinic Field Representatives (RFR’s)

As one of the world’s largest yogurt makers was building their newest production facility, they called the OU Kosher certification agency because they wanted to produce a pareve (non-dairy) oat milk. The challenge was producing it in a dairy facility.   This question and others were discussed on May 15th and 16th at a gathering […]

OU Companies Recently Certified BeVeg Vegan Certification 

A survey published by Vegconomist reveals that 91% prefer products with an independent stamp guaranteeing a product is really Vegan, and 96% are more likely to purchase a plant-based product clearly marked as “Vegan,” according to Plant-Based News. That’s why OU Kosher has partnered with BeVeg to offer Vegan certification audits for existing OU Kosher  […]

Ethanol: From Corn to Kosher Vinegar

The Midwest is known as the breadbasket of America, thanks to its endless fields of grains. Omaha-based Green Plains Inc., which makes corn-based products, was founded in 2004 and is now the fourth largest ethanol fuel producer in North America, with 11 plants in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Tennessee, Indiana and Nebraska.  With such a large […]