Consumer Kosher Articles

Clarification Of OU Yoshon Certification

OU-certified products which are marked as “yoshon”, “kemach yoshon” or “made with yoshon flour” contain only yoshon grain and derivatives and are manufactured on equipment a) used exclusively for yoshon production, or b) which was down for over 24 hours since non-yoshon production ceased.

The Mezonos Roll…Is It A Piece of Cake?

A review of the laws of and the proper Bracha for “Mezonos Rolls”.

How The Sabbatical Year Affects Jews The World Over

Shemitah: Background According to tradition, it took Joshua seven years to conquer the Land of Israel, and another seven years to divide it among the various tribes and individuals. The Talmud tells us that only after these fourteen years, when the conquest of the land had been completed, was it endowed with kedushah, holiness, with […]


A review of the laws of the proper slaughter of Kosher animals and how they are applied in an industrial setting.

Separating Terumah and Maaser

Terumah and Maaser: Halacha requires the separation of terumah and maaser from Israeli produce. When the Temple was extant, these separated portions were distributed in a specified manner to the Kohanim (Priests), Leviim (Levites) and the poor, or eaten in Jerusalem. While terumah and maaser are no longer distributed or eaten in Jerusalem, the requirement […]

Playing With Fire

Thousands of years ago, the Rabbis of old recognized that Jewish identity is the key to the survival of Klal Yisrael. To this end, they enacted three sets of food laws to limit socialization: bishul akum, pas akum, and stam yainom (cooked food, bread, and wine prepared by gentiles). This was based on the realization […]

A Biochemist Takes A Second Look At “Natural” Foods

Consumer demand for all-natural foods began to, skyrocket about ten years ago. The outcome today is very apparent: an increasing availability of natural foods in supermarkets and a proliferation of health foods stores. In the mind of many kosher-minded consumers, this move to natural foods is all for the good. They believe that wholesome equals natural, […]

Explaining Unauthorized OU Symbols

As the largest kosher certifying agency in the world, the OU is deeply concerned about protecting the integrity of our kosher symbol.

Fraudulent Claims! How To Be Your Own Detective

Here is an interesting question worth pondering. A supermarket displays a large sign which reads: “Super Sale! Kosher Chickens — Tzippor Tohor Brand — 79 cents/lb.”


We are experiencing a “new age” of technological advancement in the food industry. This unique technology has ramifications throughout food production from the very inception and creation of the product until its final packaging and sale. Tremendous gains have been made in improving the nutritional quality, taste, texture, and appearance of food products. The importance […]