Consumer Kosher Articles

Salad Days For The OU

A survey of the challenges and opportunities for the Kosher supervision of salad dressings.

Ancient Bowfin Presents New Ich-Theological Conundrum

What is the Kosher status of the bowfin, the notorious freshwater fish?

OU Symbol: More Than Just Food To Eat

An editorial from Behind the Union Symbol, explaining the significance behind Kosher supervision and eating kosher food.

“Korn” Syrup And The Real Thing

The inside story of sugar and other sweeteners from the Kosher perspective.

Making Fruit Jelly Kosher: It’s Easier Than Ever

A discussion of the manufacture of Grape Jelly and how one company has been able to use recent changes to expand their manufacture of Kosher Grape Jelly.

Carnauba: The Wax Which Does Not Wane

The manufacture of Carnauba Wax and its role in different industries.

Shabbos Shaylos: Asking a Non-Jew To Relight A Hotel Kitchen’s Fire

Can one ask a non-Jew to relight a hotel kitchen’s fire which has been extinguished?

Just Another Eggsample

Possible Kosher Concerns with Raw Eggs

What Could Be Wrong With…Gum Arabic

Potential Kosher issues with Gum Arabic

Food Ingredients Label: A Primer on Regulations

Should salmon raised on feed that artificially keeps its flesh pink be labeled as containing “color additives”? That question is the subject of a class action lawsuit in Seattle against major supermarkets there. It is one of a number of lawsuits brewing across the country that center on food labeling, and it brings into focus […]