Consumer Kosher Articles

Shabbos Shaylos: Moving Cholent From The Top Of A Pot Onto The Blech

Can on move cholent from the top of a pot onto the blech on Shabbos?

Shabbos Shaylos: The Shabbos Light

Can one use a “Shabbos light” on Shabbos?

Shabbos Shaylos: Washing Dishes, Dishwashers, Slicers, & Mixers

What are the rules for asking non-Jews to do work on Shabbos at hotels and catering establishments?

Shabbos Shaylos: Food Preparation

Some of the rules about food preparation on Shabbos for food establishments and caterers.

Shabbos Shaylos: Shabbos Miscellany – Amira L’Akum

What are the laws of Amira l’akum in a hotel?

Shabbos Shaylos: Mopping

Can a caterer ask a non-Jew to mop the floor on Shabbos?

Food Service Hashgacha

There is a common misconception that being a mashgiach in a food service establishment is a simple job, and that the mashgiach in such establishments has minimal responsibilities. In reality, the food service industry, which includes restaurants, caterers, hotels, hospitals, yeshivos and nursing homes, has always been a challenging area for kashrus organizations and the onsite mashgichim that perform the actual supervision. Demands on a food service mashgiach are multiple, unpredictability is the norm, and evaluations have to be executed immediately. To help appreciate the above, I am sharing with the reader some of the intricacies that must be dealt with in a food service establishment.

Bedikas Tolaim (Checking For Insect Infestation)

A survey of the concern for insect and bug (tola’im) infestation in fresh and frozen vegetables.

Salad Days For The OU

A survey of the challenges and opportunities for the Kosher supervision of salad dressings.

Ancient Bowfin Presents New Ich-Theological Conundrum

What is the Kosher status of the bowfin, the notorious freshwater fish?