Consumer Kosher Articles

The Beginnings Of OU Kosher

The beginnings of the Orthodox Union’s Kashruth Division and the world famous OU symbol.

Close, But Not Quite The Same

A clarification of confusing terms such as Lactic acid/Lactose/lactones; valerian/valeric acid, glycerol (glycerin)/glycol/glycine; inositol/inositate; whey/whey cream/cream

Sugar Alcohols

Sugar Alcohols and their implications for Kosher Certification.


A review of the chocolate industry and its implications for Kosher.

Master List Of Bishul Akum Status Of Foods

A summary of the reasons why food may be exempt from the rules of Bishul Akum.

Low-Fat And Imitation Cheese Manufacture

The Halakhic implications and status of low fat and artificial cheeses.

Mezonos Rolls

The official OU policy on Mezonos Rolls

Relying On A Non-Jew To Determine if Non-Kosher Food Is Charif

Can one rely upon a non-Jew to determine if a non-Kosher food product is cherif (sharp)?

Shabbos Shaylos: Placing Salt Into Hot Cholent Or Soup On Shabbos

May one place salt into hot food on Shabbos?

Shabbos Shaylos: Arranging Fruit On A Skewer On Shabbos

Can one arrange fruit on a skewer on Shabbos?