Daf ha-kashrus

SIVAN 5775/JUNE 2015

• Bishul on Shabbos – Part II: Flavored Nescafe Coffee • What’s the bracha on… PRINGLES • Kashering the Jacket of a Ben Yomo Kettle – Lo Basi Ela L’Orer • Mail… Kashrus Alert…. Mazal tov…

Kashering the Jacket of a Ben Yomo Kettle – Lo Basi Ela L’Orer

Mechaber (Y.D. 103:7) writes that if water is cooked in a basar b’chalav pot while it is still a ben yomo, not only does the water become assur, but we restart counting the 24 hours [1] . Rema extends this halacha to all issurim. The reasoning for this is because there is a new bliya […]

What’s the bracha on… PRINGLES

What is the proper bracha for Pringles and other such foods that are primarily made from potato flakes and potato flour? Rav Belsky, Shlita said (see accompanying Teshuva), that originally Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l held that on potato flakes one should say Shehakol. When potatoes are turned into powder, they lose their status as a […]

IYAR 5775/MAY 2015

• Milchigs and Fleishigs in the Oven • Bishul on Shabbos Part I: Table Salt • OU Kosher Kashrus Conference • Mail… Kashrus Alert…. Mazel Tov

Bishul on Shabbos Part I: Table Salt

Can a person, on shabbos, add table salt to a kli rishon off the fire, even if there are additives in the salt? Before answering the question about the additives, it is important to clarify whether salt itself, even if there are no additives, can be added to a kli rishon off the fire. The […]

Milchigs and Fleishigs in the Oven

It is common to be faced with questions regarding using an oven for both milchigs and fleishigs. Can I kasher the oven, or should I wait 24 hours? What about just covering the food? Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 509:5) says that one may kasher a griddle from milchig to fleishig with libun kal, even if it […]

Cholov Yisroel: Unraveling The Mysteries – Part I

“There is no purpose in drinking cholov yisroel today, as the government inspects the dairies and makes sure that all the milk is kosher.” “Isn’t all milk with a hechsher considered cholov yisroel?” The topic of cholov yisroel is fraught with confusion and misunderstanding. Let’s try to clarify and demystify things. The halacha Chazal decreed […]

Daf Haskashrus Shavuos 5775 – Consumer Edition

•  Cholov Yisroel: Unraveling The Mysteries – Part I • The How’s and ‘Wise’ of Mevushal – Part II, by Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator


Meet Rabbi Michael Morris If you want to know where any of the 500 OU Kosher RFRs (rabbinic field representatives) are at any given time on any given day and how they got there, just ask Rabbi Michael Morris. It’s his job — and his passion. When Rabbi Morris, OU Kosher’s RFR traffic controller, joined the […]


SHULCHAN Aruch (O.C. 451:6) says that one need only kasher a utensil according to the majority of the way it is used (rov tashmisho). Therefore, a bowl which is ordinarily used through iruy, can be kashered with iruy, even though occasionally it may be used as a pot cover. However, Rema says the minhag is […]