OU KOSHER Expresses Gratitude To Beren Foundation Of Lakewood, NJ
The Orthodox Union Kosher Division today expressed its gratitude to the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ, for renewing and increasing its grant in support of OU Kosher’s kashrut education programs.
OU KOSHER Seminar for Industry Professionals, March 6
OU Kosher, the largest and most recognized kosher certification organization in the world, will present a one-day seminar for the candy, snack, nut and confectionery industries at the Orthodox Union headquarters in New York, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6.
OU KOSHER Colleagues Share Their Knowledge
Who better to inform the experts at OU Kosher about the latest developments in the constantly evolving world of food production than other experts at OU Kosher? The OU Kashrut Division has instituted a series of monthly in-house presentations in which colleagues bring senior staff and rabbis in the field up to date on specialties other than their own.
OU Announces Three New Kosher Tidbits Programs On OU Radio
The Kosher Tidbits radio program of the Orthodox Union’s Kashruth Division has added three new presentations to the 40 already recorded exploring the technicalities of kosher law. The segments on wine, eggs, and bakers and cooks are intended to explain the finer points of kashruth to students of all ages; rabbis and scholars; and the wider kosher-keeping audience.
OU KOSHER Announces Debut of OU Direct
The message from the Orthodox Union Kosher Division is as clear as can be: “Managing Your Account Has Never Been Simpler.” The source of this management wizardry is, the new six-part website designed to provide a vast amount of information to companies certified kosher by the Orthodox Union. After a period of testing, OU Direct went online this week.
OU Kosher’s Rabbi Menachem Genack Named to the Forward 50
Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of OU Kosher, was named to the Forward 50, one of the highest honors in the Jewish world today.
Fine Foods from Israel & Israel Export Institute
Mediterranean cuisine is more and more popular among American consumers. With this in mind more than 30 Shoprite stores, in conjunction with the Israel Export Institute, are launching a “Fine Foods from Israel” promotion in December to tie in with the Chanukah and Christmas holidays.
Kosher-Sensitive Ingredients In The Dairy Industry
A list of thirteen Kosher sensitive ingredients which are particularly relevant to the dairy industry.
Rabbi Kenneth Auman Appointed Chairman of OU/RCA Joint Kashrus Commission
Rabbinical Council of America announces new appointments to the OU/RCA Kashrus partnership as they enter a new era of enhanced Kosher consumer services
OU Kosher Dairy Seminar for Industry Professionals
OU Dairy Industry Seminar Provided a Thorough Undertanding of the Intricacies and Benefits of Kosher Production of Dairy Products:
With the presence of representatives from companies located from New Hampshire to California and many states in between, the Orthodox Union held Dairy Seminar 2006 last week, which was directed at plant managers, directors of quality assurance, production and marketing, and anyone with responsibility for a dairy company’s kosher program.