
“Achieving Success in America:” An Educational Seminar for Foreign Trade Commissions and Consulates

Food Management Partners, the Orthodox Union and the Food Institute joined forces to present “Achieving Success In America,” a seminar to educate foreign trade commissions and consulates about the correct procedures needed for international food manufacturers to successfully launch their products in the U.S.

October 10th, 2007
Orthodox Union Headquarters, 11 Broadway
Manhattan, New York

Jelly Belly Candy Gourmet Confectionery Now OU KOSHER

In the confectionery world, a few names stand out in the minds of consumers. Jelly Belly® jelly beans, are among those confections that enjoy worldwide brand name recognition and loyal consumer following. The manufacturer, Jelly Belly Candy Company headquartered in Fairfield, Calif., has switched from another kosher certification to make Jelly Belly jelly beans and all of its confectionery products OU Kosher effective later this summer. This support can only increase with the decision to become OU Kosher.

Contest Winners 2012

KASHRUT – MORE THAN JUST A SYMBOL ON A BOX by Hannah Kark, Grade 9, DAT High School, Denver CO KASHRUT: LONG–TERM GAINS IN A WORLD OF COMPROMISES by Shmuel Michaels, Grade 9, DAT High School, Denver CO KASHRUT by Michelle Natanova, Grade 8, Yeshivat Ohr Haiim, Queens, NY WHAT IS G-D TEACHING ME WITH […]

OU Kosher Essay Contest Winners

Hadassah Goldman, Grade 8, YBH of Passaic-Hillel Chaya Meth, Grade 7, Bais Yaakov Baltimore Chevie Pahmer, Grade 7, YBH of Passaic-Hillel Abby Sanfield, Grade 7, Maimonides Torah Academy Sarah Sanfield, Grade 5, Maimonides Torah Academy Zachary Weiner, Grade 7, Manhattan Day School

OU Kosher Video “The Kosher Standard” to Appear in Spanish

OU Kosher’s instruction video, The Kosher Standard, which was produced to assist companies and their personnel in maintaining their kosher programs, is now available in a Spanish version for use by both Spanish-speaking personnel in United States companies and for the increasing number of firms in Spanish-speaking countries that are certified by the Orthodox Union.

Spangler Candy’s Recent OU Kosher Certification Raised Sales and Customer Satisfaction

In October, 2006 Spangler Candy Company’s manufacturing plant in Bryan, Ohio and its co-manufacturing facility in Juarez, Mexico were both certified kosher by the Orthodox Union. This certification allows Spangler products to be consumed by all who observe kosher dietary laws, as well as by others with special dietary requirements, such as Moslems and Seventh Day Adventists. In addition, certification serves as a guide to millions of individuals who are vegetarians or lactose intolerant that they may consume the product. (All Spangler products made in Bryan and Juarez are kosher except for circus peanuts.)

OU Kosher Hotline Expert Relaxes After Busy Passover Season

Rabbi David Polsky, who is the voice at the end of the Orthodox Union’s Kosher Consumer Hotline, is in a post-Passover recovery mode. In the span of two weeks prior to the holiday he answered more than 2,000 phone calls from across North America, Israel, Latin America and Europe.

OU Rabbis go to Wall Street to Explain Why Bulls are Kosher and Bears are not

In the weeks to come, starting Wednesday, May 9, rabbis from the Orthodox Union Kosher Division will visit the headquarters of Credit Suisse, American Express, Ernst & Young, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, and it will not be to check on their portfolios. They will be guests of Center for Return’s growing Corporate Torah Entitlement Program, […]

OU & Tribune Co. Affiliate Plan “Certified Kosher” Coupon Marketing Initiative

For the first time in the months to come, a weekend advertising insert with cents-off coupons will be “OU certified,” as it appears in major newspapers nationwide with the famed OU Kosher symbol displayed on every product. The inserts are a program of the Orthodox Union and Forum Publishing Group, a media company wholly owned by the Sun-Sentinel Company of South Florida, which in turn is owned by the Tribune Company of Chicago.

A Technological Success, OU KOSHER Direct Website

Just four months after introducing its six-part website, OU Direct, with the slogan “Managing your account has never been simpler,” the Orthodox Union Kosher Division announced today that the one thousandth user has logged into the system, which was designed to simplify financial contacts between the OU and the companies it certifies, as well as to facilitate the kosher certification process itself.