As the leader in worldwide kosher certification, the Orthodox Union takes additional steps to serve as a leader in educating the public in matters of kosher law.
Over the past several years, OU Kosher, in partnership with the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey, has developed numerous kashrus educational programs for the benefit of the public known as The Harry H. Beren ASK (Advanced Seminars on Kashrus) OU Kashrus programs.
Rabbi Eli Eleff, OU Kosher Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator, serves as Director of OU Kosher Education. For more information on any of the programs listed below, including scheduling a visit for your yeshiva, community, or kollel, contact Rabbi Eleff at 212-613-0602 or
Rabbi Eli Eleff Joins in Administering Kashrus Education
Rabbi Yosef Grossman, OU Kosher Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator In the beginning, going back to 1996, there were the Advanced Seminars on Kashrus, OU Kosher’s ASK OU mashgiach training programs, held every other summer for three and one-week sessions. A decade later, the seminars became the Harry H. Beren […]
ASK OU comes to Monsey with “Contemporary Issues & Halachic Applications In Dairy Kashrus”
The Beis Midrash Ohr Chaim’s Community Learning Center and Night Kollel of 18 Forshay Road, headed by Rabbi Nachum Scheiner Shlit”a, hosted a number of shiurim on the topic of cholov akum. The first shiur was given last week by Rabbi Ari Senter, Rabbinical Administrator of the Kof-K; Rav, Kehilas Yeshorim of Wesley Hills. TOPIC: […]
To Largest Group Ever, ASK OU 12 Provides Knowledge From Orthodox Union Experts On Adapting Kashrus Halacha To Modern Food Production
70 participants from ASK OU 12 at the OU’s New York City headquarters. Seated foreground from left: Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator Rabbi Yosef Grossman; OU Executive Vice President Allen Fagin; and OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack. There is an annual cycle in Judaism in which season follows season, holiday follows holiday, observances follow observances, and of […]
Harry H. Beren ASK OU Community Kashrut Program
RIETS students gather around OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack, seated at center, together with Rabbi Yaakov Luban, standing to his near right,and Rabbi Dov Schreier, far right. The Orthodox Union’s Kosher Division recently held its annual seminar for advanced semicha (ordination) students at RIETS, the rabbinical seminary of Yeshiva University. The Harry H. Beren ASK OU Kashrut Program at RIETS included presentations from senior […]
A Philadelphia Story: ASK OU Outreach and First Seder Presentation in Bala Cynwyd
From left: Rabbi Chaim Loike, OU rabbinic coordinator and bird expert; Rabbi Yitzchok Friedman, OU rabbinic field representative in MD and PA; Rabbi Uri Greenspan, Rosh Yeshivah, First Seder Bais Medrash; Rabbi Yosef Grossman, OU senior educational rabbinic coordinator; and Rabbi Avraham Shmidman of the Lower Merion Synagogue. In the spirit of the City of […]
Identifying Kosher Eggs, Mammals and other Animals
The ninth Harry H. Beren ASK OU SKYPE Shiur to Kollel Beth HaTalmud in Melbourne, Australia took place as part of the Kollel’s Yarchei Kalah program on Thurs. Dec. 26th @ 5:00PM NYC time and on Fri. Dec. 27th @ 9:00AM Melbourne time. Whether it was discussing speckled quail eggs, or comparing a giraffe’s foot […]
Checking Fruits and Vegetables
An ASK OU Skype Shiur to Kollel Beth HaTalmud in Melbourne, Australia Introduction by — Rabbi Yosef Grossman Presented by – Rabbi Issar Mordechai Fuchs
Special Kashrus Event in Toronto, Canada
Harry H. Beren/COR ASK OU Outreach Special Kashrus Event in Toronto, ONT. Canada. Introductions by: Rabbi Zvi Heber, COR and Rabbi Yosef Grossman, OU Kosher Presenter – Rabbi Moshe Elefant, OU Kosher The Integrity of Kosher Meat after the Los Angeles Meat Scandal
Rabbi Juravel Webinar: Inspecting a Whey Plant
A recorded webcast of Rabbi Juravel from OU Headquarters on October 11th, 2013.
Rav Belsky Shlita’s Shiur on Hilchos Treifos
Rav Belsky Shlita’s Shiur on Hilchos Treifos given to Bnei Kollel of BMG Lakewood. Oct. 27, 2013–10–28