As the leader in worldwide kosher certification, the Orthodox Union takes additional steps to serve as a leader in educating the public in matters of kosher law.

Over the past several years, OU Kosher, in partnership with the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey, has developed numerous kashrus educational programs for the benefit of the public known as The Harry H. Beren ASK (Advanced Seminars on Kashrus) OU Kashrus programs.

Rabbi Eli Eleff, OU Kosher Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator, serves as Director of OU Kosher Education. For more information on any of the programs listed below, including scheduling a visit for your yeshiva, community, or kollel, contact Rabbi Eleff at 212-613-0602 or

Read more about the various ASK OU Programs

Can A Child Light The Shul Menorah?

Can a child light for the entire community? Do you repeat the Shechiyanu blessing at home once it’s been said in shul? Rabbi Moshe Elefant covers your Chanukah questions.

What If You Light The Menorah at Shul But Not at Home?

Is it necessary to light at your house in order to fulfill the mitzvah? Rabbi Moshe Elefant of OU Kosher answers all of your Chanukah questions.

What If I Forget To Say Al HaNisim?

What happens if you forget to say the special holiday prayer of Al Ha’nisim? Do you need to start davening over again? Rabbi Moshe Elefant of OU Kosher discusses the Halachos of Chanukah.

When Should You Light the Menorah?

There are three commonly used ideas for when to light the menorah – but which one is correct? Rabbi Moshe Elefant of OU Kosher discusses the halachos of Chanukah.

OU KOSHER’S Beren Ask OU Outreach Program Receives Welcome in Brooklyn with Overwhelming Numbers

To a packed shul as well as Ezras Nashim, the recent Harry H. Beren ASK OU OUTREACH Program in Brooklyn at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin was a resounding success. After Tehillim for Rav Yisroel Belsky, Shlita and greetings by the Mora D’Asra, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, fascinating shiurim were given by Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO […]

ASK OU Shiurim Now Available for Online Viewing

Orthodox Union kashrus experts returned to Brooklyn on Sunday evening January 3, 2016 and provided a large crowd of men and women with a high-level shiur on various aspects of kashrus.  The program, one in a continuing series of Harry H. Beren ASK OU OUTREACH sessions, was held at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin. Following greetings by the Mora […]

ASK OU’S Kashrus Seminar For Women Provides Intellectually Engaging Summer Experience With Lessons For Everyday Kosher Living

OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack, far left, and OU Kosher Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator Rabbi Yosef Grossman, far right, with seminar participants at the OU Kosher headquarters in Manhattan. As the school year begins in full swing, groups of parents and students alike are apt to reflect on what they did and where they […]

Sold Out: ASK OU Tour of OU KOSHER Meat Production

A new OU Kosher product is in the marketplace, and it has proven so popular that it has “sold out” even before its existence was officially announced. The product in question is not food, but it is certainly OU Kosher.  As the newest entry in its expanding array of kosher education programs, the OU Kashrus […]

Pre-Passover Programs in Queens, Brooklyn &Lakewood

Once again this year, OU Kosher will send its experts into the field to provide educational seminars prior to Passover. The programs, part of the Harry H. Beren ASK OU OUTREACH initiative, are as follows:   Sunday, March 22 Congregation Ahavas Yisrael of Kew Gardens Hills, 147- 02 73rd Ave, 8–9:30 p.m. Rabbi Herschel Welcher, […]

Boca Raton ASK OU Event Coming Up

Boca Raton Synagogue presents in conjunction with OU Community Services and ASK OU OUTREACH a Community Kashrus Event. Sunday, Feb, 08, 2015 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM 9:30 AM What Could Be Wrong With… Rabbi Moshe Elefant COO and Executive Rabbinic Coordinator 10:30 AM Eating Out – What Could Be The Problem? Rabbi Yaakov Luban […]