As the leader in worldwide kosher certification, the Orthodox Union takes additional steps to serve as a leader in educating the public in matters of kosher law.
Over the past several years, OU Kosher, in partnership with the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey, has developed numerous kashrus educational programs for the benefit of the public known as The Harry H. Beren ASK (Advanced Seminars on Kashrus) OU Kashrus programs.
Rabbi Eli Eleff, OU Kosher Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator, serves as Director of OU Kosher Education. For more information on any of the programs listed below, including scheduling a visit for your yeshiva, community, or kollel, contact Rabbi Eleff at 212-613-0602 or
Why Do We Say Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah?
Where does the tradition of Tashlich come from? What does it mean and why do we say it on Rosh Hashanah? Find out with Rabbi Elefant!
4 Questions on Kashering for Pesach
Wondering about the ins and outs of kashering your kitchen for Pesach? The OU’s Rabbi Dov Schreier and his son Eliyahu discuss a different 4 questions for Passover!
Is Baby Formula Kosher for Pesach?
What baby formula should you buy? Do you need separate Passover bottles? Can they be washed in the kitchen sink on Passover?
What Are The Rules Of Drinking On Purim?
We’ve all heard the phrase that you should drink on Purim until we can’t tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai. Drinking on Purim is a topic that is often discussed, but what are the actual requirements and suggestions? Rabbi Elefant discusses.
How Do I Hear Megillah If I Work Late
Erev Purim is a busy day. What if your job doesn’t allow for you to be home to hear megillah reading at the ideal time? Rabbi Elefant explores what to do if that’s the case.
Do I Need To Tovel A Dish Before Giving It As Mishloach Manot?
When delivering Mishloach Manot, there are a few guidelines to think about. Today, OU Kosher’s Rabbi Moshe Elefant is discussing the responsibility of toveling a dish that you are giving as part of your mishloach manot. Does the responsibility lie with you or the recipient?
What Are The Guidelines for Mishloach Manot?
Ever wonder what the requirements are for giving Mishloach Manot? Wonder no more! Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the Orthodox Union is here to answer all of you Jewish Law questions. Find out what the most common misconception is about Mishloach Manot.
Should You Wait For Your Family To Light Menorah?
Is it better to light menorah at the “right time” or all together as a family? Rabbi Elefant of OU Kosher explores.
When Should You Light The Menorah?
Should you light the candles at your workplace? Or wait until you are home and light them at a less ideal time?
Should You Light The Menorah Before Leaving For A Party?
Do you light before you leave? Wait until the candles burn down? Or wait until you get home? Rabbi Moshe Elefant of OU Kosher covers your Chanukah questions.