As the leader in worldwide kosher certification, the Orthodox Union takes additional steps to serve as a leader in educating the public in matters of kosher law.

Over the past several years, OU Kosher, in partnership with the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey, has developed numerous kashrus educational programs for the benefit of the public known as The Harry H. Beren ASK (Advanced Seminars on Kashrus) OU Kashrus programs.

Rabbi Eli Eleff, OU Kosher Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator, serves as Director of OU Kosher Education. For more information on any of the programs listed below, including scheduling a visit for your yeshiva, community, or kollel, contact Rabbi Eleff at 212-613-0602 or

Read more about the various ASK OU Programs

What If I Find A Dairy Spoon In My Meat Dishwasher?

What do we do when we find a dairy spoon in the meat dishwasher? These mixups happen! Rabbi Elefant explains what to do with the dishwasher, the meat dishes, and the rogue piece of dairy silverware.

How To Use A Single Sink For Meat And Dairy

What do you do to separate meat or dairy if you only have space for one sink? Do you need sink racks? Rabbi Elefant explains the best way to keep meat and dairy separate in a small living space.

Can A Sous Vide Machine Be Kashered?

Can you make a sous vide machine kosher if it’s been used for non-kosher? Rabbi Elefant explains the OU’s opinion on this, and how it should be done.

Can I Open An Umbrella On Shabbat?

Can you open an umbrella on Shabbat? And can you use an umbrella that was already opened before Shabbat? Rabbi Elefant explains the halacha.

How Does the OU Certify Flour as Yoshon Throughout the Winter?

Shailah of the Week by Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum Rabbinic Coordinator, Kosher Hotline Administrator for the Orthodox Union Some flour mills process exclusively winter wheat. These mills are relatively easy to certify. All that is necessary is to ensure that the enrichments and barley malt added to the flour are yoshon all year round.   Continued on

Can I Take Down My Sukkah on Sukkot?

If you’re not going to be home for all of Sukkot, is it ok to take down your Sukkah mid-way through the holiday? Find out with Rabbi Elefant!

Can I Change The Water In My Flowers On Yom Tov?

Our homes on Yom Tov are often decorated with beautiful floral arrangments that we want to last as long as possible. So can we change out the water during yom tov? Rabbi Elefant delves into this question.

What Type Of Food Preparation Can I Do for My Kids On Yom Kippur?

Just because we’re not eating on Yom Kippur, it doesn’t mean we don’t have to make sure the kids have meals to eat. So what kind of food preparation can you do for the kids on Yom Kippur?

Can I Swallow an Advil on Yom Kippur?

In terms of taking medicines on Yom Kippur, what is permitted and what is not permitted? Rabbi Elefant explores this issue.

Can You Eat Cheerios Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?

If your custom is to only eat pas yisroel between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, does that apply to cereal like Cheerios? Rabbi Elefant discusses and explains this unique case.