Industrial Kosher Articles

Rabbi Daniel Sharratt Answers Questions on Certifying Companies

There are many certifications you may want to feature on your product, depending on what’s appropriate like Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, nut-free and more. But a food certification that’s been around longer than any of these is the Kosher one. Rabbi Daniel Sharratt, Rabbinic coordinator for Orthodox Union, a Kosher certification agency based in New York whose […]

The Very Rapidly Evolving Kosher Beverage Industry

Companies all over the United States have been seeking kosher certification to provide kosher certified non-carbonated beverages to the large growing market of consumers who have asked for them. The growth of kosher certification for the beverage industry has provided a unique challenge to kashrus agencies, because beverage companies require a significant amount of involvement and scrutiny. Kashering demands a level of cooperation between the company, its workers and the kosher supervising staff because of an ongoing necessity to kasher between kosher and non-kosher products.

OU Kosher Symbols Explained

A complete list of all of the OU Symbols and their meaning.

OU Kosher Certified Products Lead the Kosher Category at 2019 Summer Fancy Food Show

By Phyllis Koegel, Marketing Director, OU Kosher At this year’s 65th annual Summer Fancy Food Show at the Javits center, hundreds of thousands of specialty food and beverage products from all over the world were on display. And amongst those products were over 300 OU Kosher certified companies representing almost all food categories and the […]

The Many Lives of Kosher Salt 

What exactly is Kosher salt?    Kosher salt is really a misnomer: it should be called koshering salt. This is salt that was used to ‘kasher’ chicken and beef, by removing the blood from the flesh.   Remember the familiar red and yellow box of kosher salt in Bubby’s pantry? While its use in kosher processing has moved out of the kitchen, it’s […]

OUDirect Update

OUDirect continues to support the operations of the 5500+ certified companies in our family with its newly updated customer platform. OUDirect’s fresh look offers innovative features that simplify your day to day Kosher certification operations. With increased efficiency and greater customization, OUDirect provides 24-hour access to your OU Kosher program in a secure online environment. […]

Textures Trending in Food Products

The other night I was craving pasta. It was like an obsession had hijacked my brain and I couldn’t focus on anything else. If I didn’t have pasta I felt as if I’d go insane. Crazy, but I know you know that feeling, when you desire a specific food, not because you’re hungry, but because […]

Featuring YOU!

When an exciting product obtains its Kosher certification, a certain buzz goes through the Kosher world. It’s the buzz of Whatsapp and Facebook chats lighting up as friends alert each other that something unique and delicious is now available for their consumption. The Kosher market can, at times, feel limited. In an increasingly online world, […]

Want Nut Butter? Try Buff Bake

By Rachel Leff OU Marketing Coordinator At a recent food show, I noticed that butters of all types were everywhere. As consumers change their diets to fit fashion and health trends, more and more foods are adapting to the changes as well. A major adapter is these different types of butters including nut butter. Nutritionists […]

Kosherfest, Still Amazing 30 Years Later: OU Kosher’s Marketing Director Looks Back on the Growth of a Show and an Industry

Thirty years ago, when I was a much younger version of myself, I remember sitting in a staff meeting at Lubicom Marketing Consulting, discussing Menachem Lubinsky’s vision for a kosher food tradeshow. In 1988 I was the Show Coordinator for the International Jewish Life Expo for which Lubicom provided public relations and advertising services. The […]