
Orthodox Union Holds Immersive Kashrus Experience for Women

Program Offers 40 Participants a Deep Dive into Kashrus at OU’s Headquarters and at Field Visit Sites A few weeks ago, Rivki Lemmer of Brooklyn, N.Y. didn’t know that lab-grown meat existed. Now, after attending a week-long course run through the Orthodox Union (OU), she feels well-versed in the controversies and intricacies around its kashrus […]

Reps from Around the World Unite For the Annual OU Kosher Convention

International Event Offers Networking and Learning Opportunities More than 100 OU Kosher Rabbinic Coordinators (RCs) and Rabbinic Field Representatives (RFRs) from around the world recently united at the Hilton Meadowlands in East Rutherford, N.J. for OU Kosher’s two-day annual Kashrus Conference. L-R: At OU Kosher’s annual conference: OU Executive Vice President and COO Rabbi Dr. […]

OU Kosher Receives Jerusalem Award at Arutz Sheva Conference

Prize Recognizes Kashrus Certification Agency’s Global Impact Over the Past Century View interview with Rabbi Hauer here NEW YORK – In recognition of OU Kosher’s tremendous contributions over the past century to global kashrus efforts, the Orthodox Union’s kosher certification agency was conferred the esteemed Jerusalem Award on Sunday, June 4th at Israel National News […]

Cheeses – When Waiting is Required

Here are some common cheeses and the lengths of time for which they are aged:

Where Medicine Meets Passover: OU Kosher, NYMC and Touro Host Groundbreaking Webinar

OU Kosher, New York Medical College (NYMC), and Touro University came together to host a groundbreaking webinar titled “Medicine meets Passover: what clinicians and rabbis need to know.” The event, which took place on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, attracted 350 participants from across the globe, including the United States, Canada, Israel, Germany, Australia, and Belgium. […]

From Greece to America: Serenata Chocolates

Greece is not well known as a manufacturer of premium chocolate products, but that’s all about to change here in the U.S. with the OU Kosher certified Serenata™ brand of chocolate wafers. For over 50 years, the family enterprise Tottis-Bingo s.a. has been manufacturing these iconic chocolate wafers for their home market in Greece, in […]

Curtice Brothers: A Condiment Startup Takes On the Giants

OU Kosher: I’d like to start by asking you for a general overview of Curtice Brothers and about you and your role as head of international sales. Curtice Brothers History Alex Fisher: Curtice Brothers makes organic and natural condiments. The company actually started in 1868, and we are proud to say that we are the […]

Is Lab-Grown Meat Kosher? OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack Discusses in Washington Post, Other Media Outlets

As food technologies develop, so do new halachic issues. In recent days, OU Kosher CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack has taken on questions about whether lab-grown meat, created from animal stem cells, is kosher. While Israel’s Chief Rabbi David Lau recently declared it kosher pareve, Rabbi Genack disagrees. Read more in a front-page piece in The […]

Orthodox Union Teaches Laws of Kosher to Houston Jewish Community

Visit Educates 500 People; Includes Demonstration, Fireside Chat and Presentations The Orthodox Union (OU) recently concluded an educational event in Houston, Texas. Kashrus experts taught about the laws of kosher to more than 500 community members and students. OU Kosher Managing Director Rabbi Eli Eleff and Rabbinic Coordinators Rabbi Chaim Goldberg and Rabbi Chaim Loike […]

OU Kosher Hosts Conference to Show Appreciation for Mashgichim in Israel

Israel’s Prominent Rabbis, OU Kosher CEO and COO Thank Mashgichim with Luncheon On January 16, the Orthodox Union (OU) held a kashrus conference in Israel for the mashgichim in its network. Some of Israel’s most prominent rabbis also attended, as well as OU Kosher rabbis and OU board members. The goal of the conference was […]