
Uncorking the Secrets of Kosher Wine

Wine plays a central role in Jewish religious life. In the days of the Temple, whenever one brought a korban, it had to be accompanied by wine. Furthermore, the Levi’im only sang shirah while wine was being poured on the mizbayach (Berachot 35a). Of course, every Shabbos we commemorate the creation of the world over […]

OU Kosher’s FAQ’s for Purim

Ta’anit Esther this year will be Thursday, March 9th. What time does the fast begin and when does it end? The fast begins when one goes to sleep at night, unless one plans to wake up early to eat before the fast begins. If one planned to wake up early, he can eat until alot […]

The Ultimate Food Enhancer: Spice Up Your Life!

OU Certified Soup Kitchen Dining With Dignity

The Local Bakery

Let us take a close look at the trip these baked goods took from the time the flour was milled until it was brought into the Jewish home. Is it as simple process as one is wont to assume? While many of us bake at home, the neighborhood bakery is a very different type of operation. As we will see, the neighborhood bakery is significantly more complex and has its unique kashrus issues.

Hi-tech Kitchen Appliances: Navigating their use on Shabbos: OU Certifies Plug-in Device by Zman Technologies…

Technology has changed drastically over the last 30 years and with that, its application in home appliances, such as refrigerators. What was once merely a question of indirectly activating a compressor on Shabbos, which many leading poskim permitted, is now considerably more complex. Activating the automatic defrost system, which is controlled by microprocessors and door sensors, can involve […]

Can skinless salmon be assumed to be kosher?

Although kosher fish are usually identified only by the presence of scales [1] , the Orthodox Union has a long standing policy of accepting as kosher all reddish-pinkish fillets, even without a piece of skin by which the fillet can be identified. The basis for this policy is that there is no fish [2] that […]

Color Additives and Kashrus

The following article is an overview of colorants used in the food industry. Kashrus considerations for colorants focus not only on the manufacture of colorants themselves but on any ingredients that may be used with colorants to help make them compatible in a given food system. The first part of the article will survey natural […]

Somtimes It’s Not The Food: Kashrut, Allergens And Microbes

The Return Of The Evil Weevils In Rice & Barley

Recently, the OU has received complaints from consumers about high levels of infestation in barley and rice and other grain products. Many of these complaints have revealed that the affected products were beyond or close to their expiration dates. The Problem: While our certified packers sift all incoming products such as grain and flour etc., […]