Consumer Kosher Articles

Do I Have to Wait 6 Hours After Eating this Cheese?

Is My Oven Kosher? Find Out How Steam, Aroma, And Other Factors Change Your Oven’s Status…

From the Talmudic kirah to our modern microwave, oven cooking requires specific kosher knowledge. Rabbi Yaakov Luban, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator of the OU Kosher Division, explains the halachos involved and provides a practical guideline.

What In The World Is Whey?: Whey And Its Kashrus Explained

Most people aren’t quite sure what whey is. We know that whey is used in some baked products, that it is a principal ingredient in many nutritional products, and that it has something to do with curds (whatever that means!). L’maaseh, what is whey, and are there any kashrus concerns? The short answer is that […]

Italy: A Gastronomic Adventure

OU KOSHER Prepares The Public For Pesach On A Grand And High-Tech Scale

At OU Kosher, “Preparing for Pesach” takes on a whole new meaning! This Pesach season, OU Kosher again distinguished itself among kashrus agencies by offering expanded consumer information and education across the media spectrum. From Ask OU Pesach shiurim, to the OU Kosher Pesach Webinar, to the OU Kashrus Hotline and Webbe Rebbe email service. […]

OU Kosher Answers Your Top Ten Pesach FAQs

OU Kosher presents the most frequently asked consumer questions to-date on the  OU Kosher Hotline (212-613-8241). Questions may be submitted to as well. The Passover questions were answered by Rabbi Tzvi Nussbaum, the voice of OU Kosher’s Consumer Hotline. The responses were reviewed by Rabbi Yaakov Luban, OU Kosher executive rabbinic coordinator. Rabbi Moshe Zywica, […]

May Non-Pesach Certified Milk Be Used If Bottled Before Pesach?

Chametz before Pesach is like any other issur in that it can be batel b’shishim. However, if pirurim (crumbs) of chametz b’en might remain in the food, even if those crumbs are batel chad b’trei, the chametz on Pesach will bechozer v’niyur. However, Rema (O.C. 447:4) writes that if the chametz is lach b’lach (either […]

A Work In Progress: Roe, Roe, Roe Your Fish

HaRav Chaim Yisroel HaLevi Belsky, Zatsal: Recorded, Remembered, and Reflected Upon

For just shy of 16 years, I had the immeasurable Zechus to interact with Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Yisroel HaLevi Belsky, Zatzal, in his capacity as a Senior Poseik with the Kashrus Division of the Orthodox Union (“the OU”), in which I serve as a Rabbinic Coordinator. I would like to share here some of […]

Kosher Brings Out the Best at Winter Fancy Food Show 2016

For the past 25 years I’ve been coming to San Francisco every year to attend the Winter Fancy Food show. I admit, getting out of the New York winter every January is certainly a bonus, but attending this growing event is much more than a foodie’s dream, it’s a reunion of the important players in […]