Consumer Kosher Articles
Six Thirteen: An OU Kosher Restaurant In Stamford, Connecticut
In our continuing series of visiting OU Kosher restaurants during Covid-19, I spoke with Six Thirteen, a restaurant in Stamford, Connecticut. With many states experiencing a spike in cases, it’s ever relevant to know that where you are going to dine is safe. On the subject of eating out, New York Times restaurant critic Tom […]
An Inside View of Burnt Offerings: An OU Kosher Restaurant in Las Vegas
In this week’s installment of our series of visiting OU Kosher restaurants throughout the country operating under the stress of Covid-19, we speak to the owner of a restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada. The story behind the creation of the restaurant Burnt Offerings is one of serendipity. Two women hailing from two different continents meet […]
OU Kosher Restaurants: Mike’s Bistro NYC and La Gondola, Beverly Hills
Kosher restaurants like many businesses, continue to navigate through a morass of uncertainty. And every community has its own array of rapidly changing policies. In this series, we’ll be connecting with OU Kosher food establishments around the country to see how they’re handling the new realities of running their businesses under the stress of Covid-19. […]
Coronavirus Advisory
As we all confront the challenges brought about by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), all of us at the OU Kosher certification agency continue our mission to provide the highest level of Kosher certification. As the pandemic evolves, we are doing everything we can to assist our communities and customers worldwide. The following resources are available to […]
The Very Rapidly Evolving Kosher Beverage Industry
Companies all over the United States have been seeking kosher certification to provide kosher certified non-carbonated beverages to the large growing market of consumers who have asked for them. The growth of kosher certification for the beverage industry has provided a unique challenge to kashrus agencies, because beverage companies require a significant amount of involvement and scrutiny. Kashering demands a level of cooperation between the company, its workers and the kosher supervising staff because of an ongoing necessity to kasher between kosher and non-kosher products.
OU Kosher Symbols Explained
A complete list of all of the OU Symbols and their meaning.
Etrog Jam & Schnapps Are Recipes For the Righteous
One of the quintessential symbols of the holiday of Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles) is the Etrog (citrus fruit). Often yellow or greenish in color, it is primarily imported from Israel, Italy, Greece, Morocco, or Yemen. The holiday of Sukkot falls out after Yom Kippur for good reason. After reaching levels of angelic purity we return to a holiday […]
OU Kosher Q & A For Rosh Hashana
OU Kosher presents popular Q&As in preparation for Rosh Hashana. Additional questions can be asked by contacting the OU Kosher Hotline (212-613-8241) or by submitting them to Alternatively, CHAT LIVE with an OU Kosher expert on via the chat icon located at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This Yom Tov season (5778) we have the oppertunity […]
The Many Lives of Kosher Salt
What exactly is Kosher salt? Kosher salt is really a misnomer: it should be called koshering salt. This is salt that was used to ‘kasher’ chicken and beef, by removing the blood from the flesh. Remember the familiar red and yellow box of kosher salt in Bubby’s pantry? While its use in kosher processing has moved out of the kitchen, it’s […]
Expo East
Every year in downtown Baltimore, just off of the harbor, executives and marketers from across the natural food industry gather their organic cotton bags and pack quinoa-kale lunches for two days of health food nirvana. Expo East brings together food and health product companies who line up in hundreds of booths, creating an opportunity for […]