OU Kosher Staff

OU Kosher Announces Two New Programs

Kosher Tidbits, debuts this week (February 14) on OU Radio; A Rabbinical road show to travel across North America.

OU Kosher Is Coming To A Synagogue Near You To Address Kosher Needs of People In A Secular Workplace

OU Kosher is coming to a synagogue near you to address kosher needs of people in a secular workplace; program is to be Launched this month.

OU Kosher Announces Grant To Establish The Harry H. Beren ASK OU Community Lecture Series

The Orthodox Union’s Ask OU Community Lecture Series today announced the receipt of a grant from the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ, in memory of Mr. Beren z”l.

Eight Points To Remember When Looking For The Kosher Symbol

In order to assist you, our customer, benefit from the OU kosher certification, the OU would like to present eight points to remember when purchasing the products we certify.

OU And The Kosher World Show: Working Together To Help You Maximize Your Kosher Investment

Once again this year the Orthodox Union is pleased to be a sponsor of the Kosher World Conference and Expo, to be held March 23-24 at the Anaheim (CA) Convention Center. This event is the only kosher trade show on the West Coast, and will be the cornerstone of the new World Ethnic Market. The show will provide you, the OU client, with an exciting platform to not only demonstrate your kosher certification, but to reach out in a fertile cross-marketing environment to a broad base of strongly motivated and focused retail and specialty buyers.

OU To Be Represented At Winter Fancy Food Show

The Orthodox Union, the world’s largest Kosher certification agency, will be represented in San Francisco at the upcoming Winter Fancy Food Show. The show will take place from Sunday, January 22 through Tuesday, January 24 at the Moscone Convention Center.

At Corzine Inauguration, OU’s Rabbi Genack Delivers Benediction

Rabbi Menachem Genack of Englewood, Chief Executive Officer of the Orthodox Union’s worldwide Kosher Division, delivered the Benediction today at the Inaugural ceremony for Governor Jon S. Corzine in Trenton. Rabbi Genack served on the Governor-Elect’s transition team for the Department of Corrections, the second largest item in the New Jersey budget. The group was charged with reviewing the Department to make it more efficient and effective and to stem the tide of recidivism affecting the former prison population.
In addition to his Orthodox Union position, which makes him one of the foremost authorities on Jewish dietary law, and in which he administers the world’s largest kosher agency, which certifies over 400,000 products produced in nearly 5,000 plants located in 83 countries, Rabbi Genack serves as the spiritual leader of Congregation Shomrei Emunah in Englewood, an Orthodox Union member congregation.

So You Hate Regulatory Paperwork? The OU Comes To The Rescue

Everyone, it seems, hates regulatory paperwork. So here is some good news: the Orthodox Union is now available to help your company comply with the Kosher laws of New York State and New Jersey.

OU Certification Suits Sri Lanka Company To A Tea

Tea is a traditional industry in Sri Lanka, which took root in the late 18th century when Sri Lanka was a British colony better known as Ceylon. Today, tea manufacturing and exporting is one of the largest industries there. Heritage Teas Premium Services (Pvt) Ltd is one of the leading exporters of high quality teas from Sri Lanka, with a global customer base extending over 35 countries.

And OU Tea From Argentina Too

When a company decides to sell its products worldwide and therefore needs to improve its quality standards, and if the company is from Argentina, a good product or attractive packaging are not sufficient. At Heredia, we knew that the OU symbol would assure that our company’s standards would be acceptable everywhere.