OU Kosher Staff

New Food Safety Program: Independent Certification Program For Gluten-Free Food Processing

The Gluten Intolerance Group® is pleased to announce our gluten-free food certification program, the Gluten Free Certification Organization (GFCO), the first program of its kind in the world! This new independent food processing inspection program will verify that food products meet the highest standards for gluten-free ingredients and a safe processing environment. Food products meeting these high standards will receive our GF certification mark, allowing gluten-free consumers to easily identify foods that are free of gluten and possible cross-contamination from gluten.

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, On Visit To OU, Hails Accomplishments Of Kashrut Division

On a visit to the United States, Rabbi Yona Metzger, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, accepted an invitation from Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of OU Kosher, to visit the Kosher Division and to learn about how it certifies more than 400,000 products in 83 countries around the world.

Kashrut FAQs

Glossaries of computer terms usually explain that a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is a list of the most commonly asked questions (with the answers) on a certain subject. The original idea was that the author of the FAQ saved himself the trouble of answering the same question over and over again, but the FAQ has become such a popular format, because any given subject usually involves certain obvious information that an interested person would want to know.

Shelled Eggs, Peeled Onions And Garlic Left Overnight: Keeping Products Ruach Ra’ah-Free

Taste, health and convenience are some of the considerations consumers think about when making decisions regarding foods. Of course, kosher consumers also consider the kashrus of products. But one other principle discussed in Cha’zal, chamira sakanta me’isura – laws regarding danger are more stringent than those regarding prohibition — make food safety a primary consideration. This article will focus on one unique aspect of food safety.- ruach ra’ah.

Rabbi Moshe Klein, z”l

It is with a sense of great loss that we mourn the loss of our Rabbinic Field Representative, Rabbi Moshe Klein, z”l, who was tragically nifter on Friday night, August 12th, the 8th of Av.

A Change For The Better: Nishtaneh (Change) in Kosher Law

The concept of Nishtaneh and the Usage of Biotechnology for Ingredients

The Catered Affair On Shabbos

Taking Responsibility It goes without saying, but unfortunately needs repeating, that in preparing a catered kiddush, not only must someone be responsible to oversee the kashrus of the food, but someone must insure that the halachos of Shabbos are adhered to. Who will accept this responsibility? The baalei simcha are preoccupied with other things. The […]

Warming Food On Shabbos

In warming food on Shabbos, there are three issues to consider – the first is potentially d’oraita and the latter two are d’rabbanan – bishul, hatmana and chazara. Bishul/cooking includes, but is not limited to, finishing off the cooking/baking of a food (e.g. baking/warming a challah in a manner that removes the last vestiges of […]

Kosher Oils

Many years ago, it was a common, though unsound practice of many frum people to check the kosher status of food items they wanted to eat by reading the ingredient listing printed on the label. This was not a good idea for two primary reasons: Although ingredients are generally required to be identified, there are […]

Across The Divide: Building Bridges

Several decades ago I spent some time in Rome, Italy. Faced with the depletion of the stocks of food that I had brought with me, I set out to explore the availability of kosher food in the Italian capital. I was advised that there was a store that specialized in kosher food. It took all […]