
New Food Safety Program: Independent Certification Program For Gluten-Free Food Processing

The Gluten Intolerance Group® is pleased to announce our gluten-free food certification program, the Gluten Free Certification Organization (GFCO), the first program of its kind in the world! This new independent food processing inspection program will verify that food products meet the highest standards for gluten-free ingredients and a safe processing environment. Food products meeting these high standards will receive our GF certification mark, allowing gluten-free consumers to easily identify foods that are free of gluten and possible cross-contamination from gluten.

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, On Visit To OU, Hails Accomplishments Of Kashrut Division

On a visit to the United States, Rabbi Yona Metzger, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, accepted an invitation from Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of OU Kosher, to visit the Kosher Division and to learn about how it certifies more than 400,000 products in 83 countries around the world.

Rabbi Moshe Klein, z”l

It is with a sense of great loss that we mourn the loss of our Rabbinic Field Representative, Rabbi Moshe Klein, z”l, who was tragically nifter on Friday night, August 12th, the 8th of Av.

New Mintel Survey Reveals: 21% of Americans Eat Kosher

(CHICAGO) Americans of all backgrounds are buying kosher products with the full knowledge that they are buying kosher, is a conclusion of a new study by the Mintel Organization, a global supplier of consumer, media and market research. The report, which is due to be released later next month, will be the second study of […]

OU KOSHER Bringing Boom For Business & Consistent Quality To Consumers

IF THE 70’S ADAGE, “you are what you eat” still holds true, we’re all becoming one big kosher world. Ever since the Biblical commandment to the Jewish nation over three thousand years ago, keeping kosher has remained a vigilant way of life for millions of Jews. But who could have predicted that kosher food production […]

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Plant (Part 2)

Sometimes we don’t know our life’s calling until it calls on us. That’s the way it happened for Rabbinic Field Representative (RFR). Cleveland born, Rabbi Nathanson earned his Master’s in Public Health from Tulane, University in New Orleans and decided to stay. The OU and thousands of kosher consumers are glad he did. Rabbi Nathanson […]

Rabbi Yerachmiel Morrison: A Rabbinical Coordinator With All The Right Ingredients

Rabbi Morrison began his work at the OU over a decade ago. Before entering the field of kashrut, he served for seven years as Rav of the Springs Hebrew Congregation, a suburb of Johannesburg and for six in South Africa’s Port Elizabeth community. Among his other varied rabbinical responsibilities, he oversaw both areas’ kashrut needs. This wealth of experience proved invaluable for the formidable demands placed on the Rabbinical Coordinator (a.k.a. RC) at the helm of the OU’s ingredients registry.

OU Announces Changes In Administrative Titles In Kosher Division

OU Announces that Rabbi Menachem Genack Will Assume the Additional Title of CEO of Kosher Division, with Rabbi Moshe Elefant Becoming COO.

Rabbi Safran Speaks At Buenos Aires Kosher Food Show

Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator for the Orthodox Union’s Kosher Division, will speak on “Maximizing your Company’s Potential with OU Certification,” at the third annual ArgenKosher international trade show in Buenos Aires.

Leading Israeli Rabbis Visit OU Kashrut Division

Three prominent Israeli rabbis visited Orthodox Union headquarters in New York on Monday and met with the OU Kashrut Division staff, led by Rabbi Menachem Genack. “The purpose of this visit is to cement the relationship between these rabbis and OU Kashrut,” declared Rabbi Genack.