
OU Press Publishes Haggadah Commentary by Rabbi Norman Lamm

Imagine being able to invite one of the most eloquent and insightful rabbis in the world to be a guest at your Passover seder. His presence would transform the event, adding words of wisdom that inform and inspire all who are there. With OU Press’ publication this year of The Royal Table: A Passover Haggadah by Rabbi Norman Lamm, everyone can have the distinguished Chancellor and Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva University at their home.

Kosher Tidbits: Informally Exploring the Complexities of Halacha Through Technology

Kosher Tidbits, an initiative of OU Kosher which presents audio and visual learning sessions regarding contemporary kashrut issues, is nearing the 150 mark with the announcement of its 143rd production last week, “Onions and Radishes: Proceed with Caution,” with Rabbi Hershel Schachter, OU Kosher Senior Halachic Consultant. Available on and geared toward the general Kosher-observant community across the globe, Kosher Tidbits are an informal and enjoyable means of developing substantial kashrut knowledge. New Tidbits are added to provide insights into aspects of kashrut in today’s world and to show how centuries old halacha is applied to modern technology processes.

“America’s Favorite Candy”, Tootsie Roll, Goes Kosher

Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. today announced that Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie Fruit Rolls, Frooties and DOTS have become kosher-certified by the Orthodox Union, the world’s largest kosher certification agency. New packaging bearing the “OU” symbol will be distributed nationwide beginning in the next few weeks.

OU Honors Schreiber Foods, Inc.

Schreiber Foods Inc. and its President and CEO Michael J. Haddad will be honored at the Orthodox Union’s 111th Annual Dinner & Awards Presentation, with the National Kashrut Leadership Award, Sunday evening, December 6 at the Hudson Theater and Millennium Broadway Hotel in New York.

“The Original” Wrapole’ Premium Quality Tortillas Now Certified by the OU

Ellen Libfeld, Vice President of “The Original” WrapOle’ Premium Quality Tortillas®, announced the Orthodox Union will be the certification agency for product made in Florida. All products will continue to be Pas Yisroel and made with the same ingredients customers have enjoyed since 1996.

Heering® Coffee OU Certification Announced

Heering Coffee Liqueur Joins Cherry Heering Liqueur certified by the Orthodox Union

Announcing the Arrival of Geliko OU Kosher Gelatine Hydrolysate, for Kosher Food and Pharmaceuticals

A basic element missing from the kosher food industry for generations was affordable cattle-derived kosher gelatine. Geliko, a world leader in kosher gelatine production, has recently announced the arrival of Geliko Kosher Gelatine and Gelatine Hydrolysate.

Rabbi to appear with Legal Expert: Let’s Talk Kosher

Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator and Vice President of Communications and Marketing of OU Kosher, will be one of two experts appearing in the webinar, “Let’s Talk Kosher! Kosher Food: What Does it Mean for Food to Be Labeled as Kosher and What Are the Implications for Food Producers, Distributors and Marketers?” The webinar will be presented by the Orthodox Union and the Food Institute on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 12:00 p.m., Eastern time.

Go South Young Mashgiach: An OU RFR Travels the Highways and Byways of the Old Confederacy

A tour of South-Eastern United States with an OU Rabbinic Field Representative meeting products and people that leave a lasting impression.

OU Kosher Baking Manual Sets Industry Standards

The Orthodox Union Kosher Division, the world’s largest and most respected kosher certification agency, today announced the publication of the “OU Manual for the Baking Industry,” a compendium of the knowledge and experience of the expert OU rabbis who travel the world applying the time-honored laws of kosher to the industrial practices of today.