OU Honors Mr. Edmundo Gabaldon of Cargill Foods Mexico
The Orthodox Union honors Mr. Edmundo Gabaldon of Cargill Foods Mexico for his dedication and excellence in support of the OU’s programs servicing the community worldwide. Edmundo Gabaldon accepted the award on May 15, 2014 from Rabbi Genack , CEO of OU Kosher on behalf of Cargill. Edmundo noted the wonderful work of the OU and how much […]
Byrd’s Famous Cookies Of Savannah Is Now Certified
Byrd Cookie Company of Savannah, GA, baking “Byrd’s Famous Cookies” since 1924 for both Savannah locals and consumers around the world, has received kosher certification for its entire line of cookies from the Orthodox Union, the world’s largest and most respected kosher certification agency. For 90 years, and through four generations, Byrd’s continues its standard […]
Kashrus Status of Wonder Bread Products
The Orthodox Union is now certifying Wonder Bread products in certain (but not all) regions of the USA. Wonder Bread products that are certified by the Orthodox Union bear the OU symbol. Wonder Bread products that do not bear the OU symbol are not certified by the Orthodox Union.
OU To Present First Program In The Catskills
In its first event in the Catskills, ASK OU Outreach, together with Congregation Ohev Sholom (“The Woodridge Shul”) will present a special “Shabbos Nachamu Weekend Kashrus Event” on Sunday morning, July 21 beginning at 10:30 a.m. The OU member synagogue is located at 14 Maurice Rose Street in Woodridge. Men and women are invited and […]
The Certification of Products of The Coca-Cola Company
Statement from Orthodox Union The Orthodox Union wishes to bring to your attention the following points of information: 1) The OU certifies a wide range of products manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company in the United States of America, Canada and the State of Israel. 2) The Orthodox Union has no information on products of The Coca-Cola Company manufactured in other locations. […]
Sweet Mavens Of Glastonbury Kosher Certified
Sweet Mavens, manufacturer of an award-winning line of tender biscotti, announces that it has been certified kosher by the Orthodox Union (OU). “Becoming certified by the Orthodox Union is the result of the natural marriage of OU’s rigorous standards of food quality and documentation, with Sweet Mavens’ strong commitment to quality ingredients and freshness,” stated […]
OU DIRECT Introduces ‘Product Automation’ To Online Program
In breaking news from OU Kosher, OU Direct, the website available to all OU Kosher certified companies, became even more direct, Thursday, May 9, with the addition of Product Automation. This new feature includes a variety of options to make it easier and quicker for companies to maintain their certified product lists and to add new products.
OU Honors Sandra Sorenson of ADM
The Orthodox Union honors Sandra Sorenson, Global Procurement Manager of ADM (Archer Daniel Midland) for her dedication and excellence in support of the OU’s many non profit program servicing the community worldwide. Sandra Sorenson accepted the award on April 23 , 2013 from Rabbi Genack , CEO of OU Kosher on behalf of ADM. Sandra […]
The Numbers Are In: The OU Had A Busy Passover; Disseminating Knowledge Was An Organizational Effort
The period between Passover and the Festival of Shavuot is a time of numbers for the Jewish people, with the daily counting of Sefirat HaOmer, for 49 days, leading up to Shavuot on the fiftieth day. At OU Kosher, it is also a time for reflecting on how the OU served the Jewish community in […]
OU KOSHER’S Rabbi Moshe Elefant Joins Talkline With Zev Brenner Live Each Night Leading Up To Passover
Rabbi Moshe Elefant may be most closely identified as Chief Operating Officer of OU Kosher and the magid shiur of the Orthodox Union’s Daf Yomi webcast (whose 1,800 learners a day around the globe make his lectures the most popular Daf in the world). For listeners of the popular Talkline With Zev Brenner radio program, […]