Industrial Kosher Articles

Applied DNA Sciences: Knowing Your Product with CertainT

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to prove that your product is what you say it is? For about 15 years, a company called Applied DNA Sciences  has used unique molecular identity tags to put information such as the location of a plant or date of manufacture right into a product. These tags are […]

Congratulations to 11 OU Kosher Certified Companies for Being Named Responsible Companies

For the second year, Newsweek magazine has announced its list of “America’s Most Responsible Companies.” Using data and a survey of consumers, these 399 businesses were chosen because they care about environmental impact, ethical governance and giving back to their communities. Of the 14 food and beverage companies on the 2021 list, 11 are certified […]

Learning to Do Business in China

Rabbi Luntz lives in Perth, Australia, with his young family and has been an RFR for the OU in China since 2014.  Question: When was the first time you went to China?   Answer: The first time I went to China was a stopover in Hong Kong, and I spent a Sabbath in Guan Zhou, the next-door city to Hong Kong. That was just a […]

What You Need to Know About Certifying Pea Protein

Few would have predicted that the unassuming pea would become one of the globe’s most quickly adopted ingredients and in a surprising variety of foods. ≈But consider: the pea is packed with protein. By isolating that protein and “cleaning” it to remove any pea flavor that would limit its food applications, you get pea protein isolate: a non-GMO, non-allergen, […]

What You Need to Know About the Kosher Nutraceuticals Market

The term nutraceutical combines the words nutrient and pharmaceutical. Thus, products in this genre are geared to provide therapeutic benefits, to prevent illness, in addition to nutritional value.   OU Kosher Certifies B2B and B2C Products and Companies There are two broad categories: medicinal food and dietary supplements, both of which come in many forms.  OU Kosher certifies many companies in both […]

SOS Co-packing Solutions Sees Every Product and Customer as Unique

SOS Co-packing Solutions considers itself a strategic partner and an extension of its customer’s team offering complete services from regulatory expertise to packaging, branding and ingredient sourcing.  SOS sees each request as unique and takes the time to analyze process and presentation in formulating a plan that meets the customer’s specific goals and objectives. SOS […]

OU Kosher Partners With Ritz Carlton Manama to Facilitate Kosher Food

Ritz Carlton Manama (Bahrain) Becomes The First Hotel In The Kingdom To Offer Kosher Food NEW YORK – Beginning later this month, the luxurious Ritz Carlton Hotel in Manama, Bahrain will become the first hotel in the kingdom to offer kosher certified food through the help of Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher, the world’s largest kosher […]

Report Shows Renewed Investment in Private Brands

The number of OU Kosher certified private brands have grown significantly in the past 5 years. The OU Kosher symbol can be found on the shelves of all major retailers. Walmart, Kroger’s, Trader Joes, Costco and Amazon each have hundreds to thousands of OU Kosher brands. Target alone has over 3,000 OU Kosher-certified products. A […]

Are You Prepared For Supply Chain Disruptions?

Not long ago, supply chains were the domain of logistics professionals, economists, and government agencies. However, in the past few years, the term “supply chain” became synonymous with scarcity, inflated costs, and consumer frustration, particularly during the pandemic. Fortunately, those dark days of constant disruption are behind us. Still, the lessons learned must not be […]

Keeping It Kosher in the Age of Corona

OU Rabbinic Field Representative Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter inspecting Allen Flavors Inc. in New Jersey. Photo: Meir Kruter Soon after the coronavirus reached North America, life-saving restrictions began to reshape every aspect of our daily lives, Jewish communal and ritual activities included. Shuls were shuttered for months. Yeshivot and shidduch dating went online, and Pesach 2020 was different than any […]