Industrial Kosher Articles

Keeping Up with Passover Trenditions

Supermarkets across the globe know just the right moment to signal the Jewish consumer’s Passover panic. About six weeks before the holiday begins, the conspicuous Passover products display reminders appear–endless boxes of matzah, jars upon jars of gefilte fish, and bottles of grape juice, throwing the calmest of consumers into a flurry of mental ruminations. […]

From The Editor

The very Hebrew name for the holiday, Pesach, refers to a conversant mouth. The matzah rabbinically referred to as lechem oni, poor man’s bread, is seen not simply as a food consumed when hastily leaving Egypt, but as a medium for discussion and elaboration on countless Passover themes. The Bible instructs that we verbally communicate […]

The Sleeping Giant: The Kosher For Passover Market

The scene in my local supermarket is a familiar one each year. A few weeks before Passover, the first shipment of OU-P (P=KOSHER FOR PASSOVER) Coca-Cola arrives and is placed on display for sale. Immediately, customers pounce on the coveted drink and within a few hours the shelves are left empty and barren. New Passover […]

The Beginnings Of OU Kosher

The beginnings of the Orthodox Union’s Kashruth Division and the world famous OU symbol.

Ancient Bowfin Presents New Ich-Theological Conundrum

What is the Kosher status of the bowfin, the notorious freshwater fish?

OU Symbol: More Than Just Food To Eat

An editorial from Behind the Union Symbol, explaining the significance behind Kosher supervision and eating kosher food.

“Korn” Syrup And The Real Thing

The inside story of sugar and other sweeteners from the Kosher perspective.

Making Fruit Jelly Kosher: It’s Easier Than Ever

A discussion of the manufacture of Grape Jelly and how one company has been able to use recent changes to expand their manufacture of Kosher Grape Jelly.


A history of the fat substitute Olestra and its Kosher status.


An exploration of the vanilla industry and its implications for Kosher.