
Important disclaimer from the OU about Shabbos mode on appliances.

It is the official position of the OU’s Rabbonim and many others, that standard Shabbos modes embedded in refrigerators and ovens are not an adequate solution for Shabbos. According to most Poskim, using refrigerators without Shabbos mode or with these non-certified Shabbos modes are questionable because they rely on leniencies or lack of knowledge from the manufacturers. Rav […]

But Is It Glatt Kosher?

Glatt Kosher vs. Just Plain Kosher ‘Glatt Kosher.’ It’s a term you’ve heard applied to the full spectrum of kosher cuisine—from hamburgers and hotels, to potato chips and pizza parlors. But its literal meaning is the glatt or smooth, condition of the lungs of slaughtered animals.  What is ‘glatt kosher?’  And what is not?  Well  before the Jewish food scene—over three millennia—we were instructed, “And flesh […]

OU KOSHER’S Rabbi Moshe Elefant Joins Talkline With Zev Brenner Live Each Night Leading Up To Passover

Rabbi Moshe Elefant may be most closely identified as Chief Operating Officer of OU Kosher and the magid shiur of the Orthodox Union’s Daf Yomi webcast (whose 1,800 learners a day around the globe make his lectures the most popular Daf in the world).  For listeners of the popular Talkline With Zev Brenner radio program, America’s premier Jewish show, Rabbi Elefant’s name has additionally become strongly […]

Impossible Burger: Now Kosher!

A delicious, juicy, meaty burger is the top choice for any American barbeque. Now, what if we told you that meaty burger is actually…pareve? As kosher Jews, the cheese burger, or even eating dairy following a burger, have always been off limits. That is, until Tuesday, May 22, when Impossible Foods partnered with the OU […]

OUKosher Visits the Thaifex World of Food Show 2018

For the last 15 years, the Thaifex World of Food show in Bangkok has been the ultimate food show for innovation. Vendors and visitors travel from across the globe to show off their food and beverage products or to sample some of the products that may not have even hit the market. Some of the […]

Kosher Wine 101

We’ve begun to see an increase in boutique wineries interested in OU Kosher certification. So we decided to go back to the basics in understanding the primary types of kosher wine and what they are best paired with. OU Kosher Consumer Disclaimer: Please note, when making kosher wine purchases make certain to look for the […]

Trending, stay in the loop with @OUKosher

There’s no denying it – I’m addicted to Instagram food posts. It’s like a little window to the world I can hold in the palm of my hand. One of the hottest sources of inspiration for my food choices and recipes comes from Instagram. Like a lot of people, I’m always thinking about, “What am […]

The Brew on Kosher Kombucha Tea

OU Kosher Certification recently began to see a trend in brands interested in producing and certifying kosher kombucha tea. Kombucha tea is made by fermenting kombucha and bacteria with black tea, sugar, and other natural ingredients. Because of the bacteria involved in the fermenting process of OU kosher kombucha, the OU does not advise that […]

OU Kosher Trends from the Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

OU Kosher Trends from the Winter Fancy Food Show 2018 OU Kosher had so much fun at the Specialty Food Association Winter Fancy Food Show 2018. We came, we saw, we sampled. (Okay, we sampled a lot.) It was great to meet with all the OU Kosher-certified companies. Here’s the kosher scoop as to what’s […]

OU Kosher Cheese: Why some of America’s top cheese brands are now going kosher

It’s early morning in the Sardinian countryside and a farmer is milking his sheep while an Orthodox Jewish kosher supervisor looks on. The supervisor, known as a mashgiach, is sleeping in the farmer’s barn, and he’ll be there all week. Welcome to the world of kosher cheesemaking. The weeklong kosher cheese run in Sardinia is […]