Consumer Kosher Articles
Congratulations to 11 OU Kosher Certified Companies for Being Named Responsible Companies
For the second year, Newsweek magazine has announced its list of “America’s Most Responsible Companies.” Using data and a survey of consumers, these 399 businesses were chosen because they care about environmental impact, ethical governance and giving back to their communities. Of the 14 food and beverage companies on the 2021 list, 11 are certified […]
Atomo Coffee: Coffee Without the Coffee Beans to Protect the Planet
These days, many food companies are sensitive to the effects of climate change and are addressing it in different ways. One such company, kosher-certified by the OU, is Atomo Coffee. Their company name speaks volumes about their products and purpose. Atomo stands for atom in Italian. What Atomo Coffee has done is create a […]
The Killer Brownie Company Emphasizes Kosher
When companies choose to go kosher, there are two essential benefits to the Jewish community. First, they are now opened up to new products. Second, because of the extra supervision, there is a greater assurance in the quality and safety of the products since the sources of the ingredients are vetted more carefully. The […]
The Many Varieties of Kosher Olive Oil
Though many types of oil exist, there are four core categories of olive oil. There is extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, refined olive oil and pomace olive oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extra virgin olive oil is the least processed. It is basically taken from the tree and pressed. What is extracted from […]
Thanksgiving and Cranberries
If I were to ask you what connection exists between the end of a famous song, a president, a general, a bouncing ball and a well-known British-American journalist, what would you answer? Interestingly, the answer comes by way of a superfood known as cranberries. In the fadeout to the song, “Strawberry Fields Forever,” John Lennon […]
Shemitah – Glossary of Terms
Heter Mechirah A legal instrument to sell Jewish-owned land in Israel to non-Jews and thereby circumvent the shemittah status of produce grown on those lands. Otzar Beis Din A harvest and distribution system of produce run by rabbinical court in accordance with shemittah restrictions. Proceeds of the sale of produce (at a pre-set price) goes […]
Shemitah Produce in Chutz Laaretz: Its Laws and Applications
Introduction Our Sages teach us that all cycles of seven have special meaning (Yalkut Shemot 276). Every seven days is shabbos, purification is a seven-day process, and every seven years is shemitah. The Sifra in Bechukosai (26:31) explains that the lesson of shemitah is to internalize that even though we work the land, it belongs […]
Why Kosher Apple Cider Vinegar?
When you talk fermentation, you’re discussing nature at its best, and apple cider vinegar is a product formed through the fermentation process. Of course, to satisfy kashrut standards, a symbol is needed to certify yeast additives that initiate the fermentation process as well as ensuring there are no shared equipment issues. To make apple cider […]
Probing the Flexitarian Diet: Innovations in Kosher Plant-Based Protein Foods
The flexitarian diet has gained in popularity and with many studies saying it’s the healthiest. It’s grounded in the Mediterranean diet, and is the best of meat and plant based worlds. When discussing any kind of diet, the fundamental issue is usually protein. Proteins are the building blocks of life and are needed for many […]
A Flexible Diet the Kosher Way
If you were to attend a wedding with a standout kosher spread including meat and other items, would you feel guilty of partaking of the food due to dietary concerns? I think the answer would often be yes, but it doesn’t have to be. After analyzing where modern research has come in terms of how […]