Consumer Kosher Articles

Nutritious and Savory Kosher Honey

As Rosh Hashanah approaches, honey takes center stage. Incredibly, kosher honey comes from the bee, a non-kosher animal. The Talmud’s explanation for why it is permissible to eat reveals a deeper message relevant to the Jewish New Year. The journey into the world of honey is vast and involved, but important, as it brings to […]

Pruzbul: Ask the Rabbi

I have a friend who owes me 1,000 dollars.  He told me that once Rosh Hashanah comes, he will not have to pay me back.  Is that true? To answer we have to start from the beginning.  The Torah says in Devarim (Chapter 15, verses 1-2) “at the end of seven years…every creditor should release […]

English Pruzbul Form for Shemittah

Pruzbul Form In the presence of the undersigned three judges (dayanim), duly constituting a Bet Din, there appeared before us                                                                       who declared before us as follows:   “I hereby turn over to you judges [insert names]                                                         ,                                                          and                                                      , in this place [insert place name]                                                         all of the debts owed to me, whether […]

Summary of OU Insect Checking Policies

Buy the new 5th Edition Guide to Fruits and Vegetables Fruits, vegetables or berries that are expected to possibly contain insects must be checked prior to use. The minimum rate of infestation that requires checking is 10%. Magnification is not required when checking, although it may be used as an aid for training purposes or […]

The Enduring Cholent

As a child, I remember being invited with my class to our rebbe’s house for Shabbos. What stood out to me about that Shabbos was the hot dogs in the cholent. It was my first introduction to this staple Jewish dish. In high school, I would eat the cholent my mother made which had all […]

The World of Chocolate

Did you know white chocolate is not really chocolate, chocolate was once used as a currency, and Benjamin Franklin sold chocolate in his print shop? These are just some of the quirky facts surrounding chocolate. Today, we are focusing on the chic OU kosher-certified company that produces kosher chocolate bars, “HU,” short for human, that […]

How is Cheese Made Kosher

An overview of the procedure for making Kosher cheese and answers to some of the frequently asked questions about Kosher cheese.

GE Appliances Embraces OU Kosher and the Jewish Community

Our Plan at GE Appliances is Connecting With Customers At GE Appliances we’re on a journey called Zero Distance. That means we want to get closer to our customers than any manufacturer has ever done before. So when we saw the Jewish community and the way it was being served by the appliance industry, we […]

OU Kosher Meets the Challenge of Certifying the Beverage Industry

A discussion of the challenges and opportunities of Kosher Certification within the beverage industry.

A Closer Look at Sugar

  One of the tell-tale signs of the winter months is the sweet smells of fresh baked goods wafting through the air, be it sufganiyot, hamentashen or even challah. It prompts us to consider a basic food staple – a food so vital, its absence would render many foods almost inedible. It delights the sophisticated […]