OU Kosher Staff

Other Major Divisions of the Orthodox Union

COMMUNITY SERVICES provides programmatic, educational and administrative support services to a huge network of member synagogues. Seminars on Positive Parenting and other educational programs are offered in both major cities and small communities.http://www.ou.org  NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SYNAGOGUE YOUTH has chapters in 39 states that provide inspiring, educational, and fun programming, summer camps and public school clubs, […]

How the OU Kosher Staff Is Structured

The OU prides itself on being service-oriented. While we maintain the most extensive infrastructure of kosher services and expertise, our staff is dedicated to servicing clients’ needs with personal, hands-on, user friendly communication and responsiveness. The following is a breakdown of the OU’s staffing and managerial structure. Senior Management The Rabbinic Administrator bears ultimate responsibility […]

Communication and Information

From the training of your plant personnel to the updating of your marketing department, we believe that regular communication that informs and educates is the key to an effective and harmonious relationship. We have created many different communications vehicles through which you will continue to learn more about us: Behind the Union Symbol: a quarterly […]

Getting The Maximum Benefit Out Of Your OU Certification

The Benefits of Kosher Certification with OU Kosher Most Americans eat some kosher food every day, but chances are they’re not aware of it. Take a walk down the aisles of any supermarket and you will see that OU certification appears on over 60% of America’s produced foods that are certified kosher, from the coveted Oreo […]

Helping You Reach the Market

Once you have obtained OU Kosher certification, we can offer you various ways of reaching the growing market of people looking for kosher products. Our magazines, regular kosher news e-mail updates and other communications reach the core of the kosher market, the members and affiliates of the Orthodox Union itself. We can also work with […]

Kosher Certification Cost And Procedures

How much does Kosher Certification Cost? The cost of OU certification is comparatively small, and depends on a number of variables, such as the distance that our representative must travel to your plant, the frequency of visits that will be required, the complexity of your operation and the number of products involved in the kosher […]

OU Facts

The Orthodox Union [the “OU”] is the world’s largest kosher certification agency, certifying over 275,000 products produced in nearly 6,000 plants located in 68 countries around the world. This vast array includes consumer items, industrial ingredients, and food services. Like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, the logo, one of the world’s best-known trademarks, instills […]

The World’s Best-Known Kosher Trademark

The  logo indicates that a product may be consumed by all those who observe kosher dietary laws, as well as by many others who have special dietary requirements, such as Muslims and Seventh Day Adventists. It also serves as a guide to millions of individuals who are vegetarian or lactose intolerant. But in the public […]

OU Kosher Brochures (PDF Version)

Below are the PDF files for this brochure. These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free. OU Kosher The World’s Best-Known Kosher Trademark First Steps: A Process of Mutual Learning and Discovery What is Kosher? You Value Integrity, We Value Integrity How the OU Kosher Staff is Structured How Does OU Supervision Work? Communication […]

The Baking Industry: Part 1

The Baking Industry: Part 1 – Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein – Recorded on August 11, 2006 at OU world Headquarters in NY,NY as part of the Harry H. Beren Ask OU8 Kashruth Internship Program.