Three Week Course for Future Kashrut Professionals
Late this summer, Binyomin Radner, who learns at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, was an intern in the three-week kashrut training program, ASKOU9, offered by the Orthodox Union Kashrut Division to rabbis, advanced rabbinical students and kollel members to prepare them for careers in kosher certification. Recently, the grateful young man sent this letter to […]
Shechitah Seforim
A selection of Seforim about Shechitah
Yeshiva University Non-Science Majors Come to OU Kosher to Explore Chemistry and Kashrut
Yeshiva University Non-Science Majors Come To OU Kosher To Explore Checmistry And Kashrut, in Practical Applications of Torah Law
Keeping Tabs on Kosher Glycerin Totes
Soon after he came to the OU, Rabbi Chaim Loike became troubled by the following problem: one of his companies sells totes of kosher glycerin as well as totes of non-kosher glycerin. When a customer of theirs requests more kosher glycerin, the customer gets a new tote of kosher glycerin. A non-kosher customer has it […]
More Notes on Totes
One more important point about totes: it is not unheard of for a supplier of a product transported in totes to recover the tote from the user after the tote has been vacated of product. Don’t take my word for it. I found the following promotional literature says it better than I could: Folding bulk […]
Retail Dairy Products: Whats, Hows and Whys
Previous installments in this series have investigated dairy foods from the perspective of the posek, mashgiach and kashrus administrator. We delved into halachic and highly-technical material, attempting to gain insight into the many complexities of dairy kashrus.
OU KOSHER Educational Program Reaches Out
The ASK OUTREACH program, which was specifically designed to put OU Kosher in contact with communities in the Torah world not part of its usual constituency, reached out in a most significant way last week, conducting a two-part hands-on session in kosherization for the Satmar Yoreh Deah Kollel of Kiryas Joel, NY.
Statement of the Orthodox Union on Appointment of New CEO at Agriprocessors
The Orthodox Union welcomes the appointment of Bernard S. Feldman as the new CEO at Agriprocessors. Mr. Feldman is an experienced corporate attorney with a track record of turning companies around. He is an independent professional who is committed to moving the company forward in the right direction.
Yated Interview with Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO and Rabbinic Administrator, OU KOSHER
An exclusive interview with Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rabbinic Administrator of OU Kosher, conducted by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger of Yated Ne’eman.
OU Participants Come from the 4 Corners of the Torah World
They came from Jerusalem and they came from Brooklyn, and from Berlin and Paris which are roughly in between the two. Others came from Las Vegas, from Providence, Rhode Island and from Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is also roughly between the two. Twenty came from Lakewood and others from Monsey and New Square, NY, bastions […]