Back by Popular Demand: OU Kosher to Present Webcast, “Kosher Home, Sweet Home, Part II” November 25

“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” was former President Harry S. Truman’s slogan. “If all your questions weren’t answered, get back in the kitchen,” may be the motto of OU Kosher’s upcoming webcast “Kosher Home, Sweet Home, Part II,” to take place Tuesday, November 25 at 2:00 p.m. EST on Once again, OU Kosher’s halachic poskim, Rabbi Yisroel Belsky and Rabbi Hershel Schachter, will respond to questions about the intricacies of maintaining a kosher kitchen.

The first “Kosher Home, Sweet Home,” was webcast on May 29 and drew an audience in the thousands, as the poskim responded to questions submitted prior to the program. But time did not permit many of the submitted questions to be answered, bringing on requests for a second webcast. The November 25 session is the response.

It may be accessed at

Questions in May included those pertaining to ovens, the microwave, use of non-Jewish help in kitchen, kosherization of various materials, kosher travel, using the same oven for dairy and pareve, and use of warming drawers on the Sabbath. The responses, intricate yet explained in a manner easily understood by the audience, may be found on the archived webcast on

“In response to the overwhelming participation and feedback to last spring’s ‘Kosher Home, Sweet Home,’ the OU Kosher webcast when hundreds of questions were received and thousands of listeners tuned in worldwide, and considering the countless requests to allow for more kitchen-related questions to be asked,” we have scheduled Part II, declared Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran, OU Kosher Senior Rabbinic Coordinator and Vice President of Communications and Marketing.

The webcast is part of OU Kosher’s continuing and ever-growing educational outreach to the community, which includes the “OU Kosher Coming to Schools and Communities” program, and the highly informative and entertaining Kosher Tidbits postings, now numbering 125 on OU Radio. The most recent video Tidbit is on kosher wine certification, featuring Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz.

As with the May webcast, the audience is invited to submit questions. Prior to the webcast they may be sent to Rabbi Safran (fax: 212-613-0775); during the webcast they may be sent to Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell (fax: 212-613-0701).

OU Kosher Staff