OU Kosher Staff

Back Again This Year, Rav Belsky and Rav Schachter Answer Passover Questions on March 24th

So why indeed is this night different from all other nights? That, of course, is the prototypical question regarding Passover, but given the complexity of the holiday and its preparations and observance, there are countless other questions that even the most sophisticated and learned Jews might have.

OU Kosher to Recommend Organic Certification Agency to OU Clients

As part of its practice of providing a full range of services to its certified companies, OU Kosher has announced that it will recommend Organic National & International Certifiers (ON & IC) of Lincolnwood, IL to its client companies who are seeking certification that their products are not only kosher, but organic as well.

Kashrut in the Workplace

OU Kosher presented a webcast, “Kashrut in the Workplace,” featuring OU Senior Halachic Consultants Rabbi Yisroel Belsky and Rabbi Hershel Schachter. The event was moderated by Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator and Vice President of Communications and Marketing at OU Kosher. The webcast can be seen by visiting http://www.ou.org/index.php/ouradio/webcast.

Canned Salmon FAQ’s

A series of questions and answers about the Kosher status of canned salmon.

Major ASK OUtreach-Lakewood Success Launches OU KOSHER “How To” DVD Series

Back in the year 2000, OU Kosher presented a series of kashrut seminars in Lakewood, the great New Jersey center of Torah – known in fact as Ir Ha’Torah, the city of Torah and home to Beth Medrash Govoha and a variety of other institutions and kollelim. On average, some 80 people showed up to […]

Rice Protein Concentrate

Is rice protein concentrate derived from cooked rice? If so, rice protein concentrate is potentially bishul akum and should not be a group one.


The OU has made great strides in the last several years towards ensuring that kosher products are transported only in kosher approved tanker trucks. To this end, we now certify fleets of kosher dedicated tankers and kosher truck wash stations throughout the country.

Is it OU KOSHER? Newly Redesigned Product Search Feature on Website Aids Consumers in Finding OU-Certified Products

A newly redesigned feature to help the kosher consumer easily locate OU certified products has just made its debut on http://www.oukosher.org. With more than 400,000 products certified by the OU, the feature uses the OU’s technical wizardry to find just what the consumer is looking for, in categories ranging from acids and acidulants to wrapping materials and paper goods. The website is automatically updated daily to keep up with the OU’s newly certified products.

Kashruth in the Workplace Webcast

Following success of Kosher Kitchen Webcasts, OU Kosher presents new webcast on “Kashrut in the Workplace,” featuring OU Kosher Authorities, January 27.

Newly Redesigned Product Search

Is It OU Kosher? Newly Redesigned Product Search Feature On Website Aids Consumer In Finding OU Certified Items