OU Kosher Staff

OU Kosher Experts Provide Hands-On Knowledge to YU Rabbinical Students in June

Following up on a successful program first presented two years ago, Orthodox Union kashrut experts will once again travel from the Lower Manhattan headquarters of OU Kosher to the Upper Manhattan campus of Yeshiva University in June to bring a treasure trove of practical information on kosher certification to rabbinical students at YU’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. The Harry H. Beren ASK OU Outreach program, Kashrut in the Community, will consist of a wide variety of lectures as well as field trips to OU certified facilities.http://www.oukosher.org/pdf/daf18-7da.pdf

Kashering Ben Yomo

One very practical application of ta’am lifgam is found in the middle of hilchos basar b’chalav. The Mechaber (Y.D. 95:4) says that if one places ash into a pot of hot water before dirty dishes are placed in it, then even if some dishes are milchig and some are fleishig, the pot and the dishes will remain kosher. This is because the ta’am of the ash combines with the ta’am of the fat and gives off a ta’am that is lifgam. This is the basis for the leniency to kasher kailim that are ben yomo, by using a davar hapogem (e.g. caustic).

OU KOSHER Prepares for Part II of its ASK OU Outreach in Brooklyn

After Drawing An Audience of 500 Last Sunday Night, OU Kashrus Prepares For Part II Of Its Ask OU Outreach Program In Brooklyn

Can’t Duck the Issue: The Runner Duck Has a Lengthy Past but an Uncertain Future

The mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is one of the most colorful and common ducks in the United States, being found in wetlands as well as city ponds. Many of the ducks migrate across the United States, while others are supported year round by duck enthusiasts.

OUdirect.org: Your Convenient Portal to Your OU Account

Why should I use OUDirect?

Loyal readers of these pages will not be shocked to learn that the Orthodox Union has invested large sums of money and some of its top talent in the OUdirect.org project. You know what OUdirect.org is: it’s the portal which allows your company immediate and 24-hour access to major parts of your relationship with the OU.

Our Daily Bread: More than the Sum of its Calories

The restaurant was bustling. Joyous noise and laughter filled the room as waiters and waitresses bustled to and fro, bringing trays of food or removing the empty plates of sated diners. The tables were filled with people enjoying their meals – extended families celebrating a birthday or graduation or promotion at some of the tables, small families sharing the evening together, friends crowding into a booth in the corner, laughing about something one of them had just said. There are couples, some older, some just married, sharing a quiet, intimate meal together at candle lit tables.

Get-Acquainted Event at Canadian Consulate In NY

Canada’s Consul General Daniel Sullivan hosted a Kosher Cuisine event which introduced 25 Canadian food manufacturers, many of which are OU certified. Seen at the event on February 22, 2010 in New York City, where the Consulate had identified the kosher niche market as having good potential for prospective Canadian exporters to the New York area, are: Phyllis Koegel, OU Kosher Marketing Associate; Consul General Daniel Sullivan; and Rabbi Menachem Genack, OU Kosher CEO. Also in attendance representing OU Kosher, was Rabbi Dovid Jenkins and representing OU Communications and Marketing was Stephen Steiner, Director of Public Relations.

If You Think All Butter is Kosher, You’re Whey out of Line

“Fair words butter no parsnips”. This out-of-use phrase, which the Oxford English Dictionary dates back to at least 1639, means that words without action are of no use.

Breakstone’s Butter: Perfection on Bread and Vegetables

Company Overview: American families have been reserving a place at the table for Breakstone’s® Butter for more than five generations. The perfect butter for all types of breads and vegetables, Breakstone’s uses only the best kosher ingredients to assure the rich flavor and quality that complement any meal. Breakstone’s Butter is Grade AA, kosher certified by the Orthodox Union, and the only butter certified Kosher for Passover. Visit http://www.breakstonesbutter.com to locate retailers that carry Breakstone’s butter and to browse delicious recipes.

Nothing Better than Butter!

Melty rich and the secret to so many dishes, who doesn’t love butter? Certainly not the folks at Organic Valley, America’s largest cooperative of organic farmers and one of the nation’s leading organic brands. Organic Valley has several butter products under its umbrella of offerings, not the least of which is its award-winning and OU Kosher certified European Style Cultured Butter and Pasture Butter.