OU Kosher Staff

Tales from the Far North: In Any Language, Québec Has Some Very Impressive OU Certified Plants

I recently had the pleasure of doing some plant inspections in the province of Québec, home to some of the home to some of the proudest French speakers this side of the Seine. Without visiting this area yourself, it is hard to imagine the animosity felt by native French speakers here toward English speakers (Anglophones, as we are called). While driving from Québec City to Montreal, the top news story on local radio was a law being passed through the legislature to permit Francophones (native French speakers) to attend English-speaking schools.

Pickle-Icious! BTUS’s Favorite Chef Tells You Everything You Wanted to Know about Pickles

What’s a corned beef sandwich without a pickle? Dill pickles are the perfect accompaniment to a deli sandwich because they help clear the palate. With each bite, the flavors of the sandwich begin to fade as your taste buds get coated with fat and zapped by spices in the meat. Pickle to the rescue! It cuts through the residue in your mouth and helps cleanse your palate, allowing the full flavor of the food to emerge once again.

Italian Volcano® Juices: From The Mount Etna Volcano To The Supermarket Shelf

The mystery of Mother Nature has proven to be fruitful in more than one way for Dream Foods International. In Sicily, the eruptions of the Mount Etna Volcano in 2003 pushed Dream Foods International from being a one-woman operation selling blood oranges to a company selling award-winning organic juices throughout North America, with accolades from the press.

Marcatus QED And The OU: Sharing A Worldwide Emphasis On Quality Control

Marcatus QED is an essential service provider for businesses, as a source for high quality, safe and secured food products and raw materials from around the world. Our product focus is on preserved fruits and vegetables such as small cucumbers, onions, olives and peppers. As a global company, we work in several countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia sourcing large volumes of produce for consumer packaged food brands. Our team of quality assurance and sourcing experts works directly with supply partners to validate and continuously improve agriculture and factory conditions.

The Following Are the Orthodox Union Requirements For Placement Of The OU Certification Mark:

• The OU symbol may only be placed on products that have been authorized and certified as listed on your Schedule B (list of certified products). The OU D must be used on products certified as dairy.

At Kaiser Pickles, The OU Symbol Signifies A Quality Product And Expanded Marketing

In 1920, Kaiser Pickles was founded in Cincinnati, Ohio by Harry T. Kaiser. The company operated solely as a food distributor with an emphasis on pickles and sauerkraut. As a distributor, its products were sold right off its route trucks to grocery stores, restaurants, and butcher shops throughout Cincinnati.

Internet Presence: It’s All About Our Technology

Communications, the backbone of commerce and human civilization since time immemorial, has taken huge leaps over the past two decades. With the advent of the World Wide Web and Internet protocol, what once took much time to dispatch information can now be accomplished almost instantaneously with the click of a button. The global economy has rapidly shrunk because of this, and the amount of information readily available for access is mindboggling. However, what has become the center of attention in this era of the Information Age is the portal that allows access to all this information, the website.

Through The Bluegrass And On The Highways: An RFR’s Kentucky (And Indiana) Derby

I have been a full-time OU rabbinic field representative for the past 12 years. My job has taken me to all types of places and has given me exposure to people and plants of which I never dreamed.

Panic-Free Passover!

Each year, Passover strikes an acute sense of panic in the hearts of most homemakers long before the spring holiday actually arrives. Several weeks in advance, the search starts – looking through cookbooks and recipe clippings, calling friends and family members asking about long-lost recipes, or searching the world-wide web for Passover recipes – something old, something new, something borrowed, something tried and true.

A Passover Primer

Any traditional Jew will tell you that the most pivotal time of the kosher year is the Festival of Passover. But it is also the most intense period of the year for the many food companies who try to offer their products to the kosher market. This is because kosher keeping Jews are spending a lot of time and money buying food for Passover. In fact, according to one estimate, forty percent of all kosher products are purchased during the six weeks prior to Passover.