
OU Announces Changes In Administrative Titles In Kosher Division

OU Announces that Rabbi Menachem Genack Will Assume the Additional Title of CEO of Kosher Division, with Rabbi Moshe Elefant Becoming COO.

Rabbi Safran Speaks At Buenos Aires Kosher Food Show

Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator for the Orthodox Union’s Kosher Division, will speak on “Maximizing your Company’s Potential with OU Certification,” at the third annual ArgenKosher international trade show in Buenos Aires.

Leading Israeli Rabbis Visit OU Kashrut Division

Three prominent Israeli rabbis visited Orthodox Union headquarters in New York on Monday and met with the OU Kashrut Division staff, led by Rabbi Menachem Genack. “The purpose of this visit is to cement the relationship between these rabbis and OU Kashrut,” declared Rabbi Genack.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Plant

During the course of a year, 400 RFR’s travel across the roads and skyways encircling this busy planet to ensure that the world’s food factories produce products fit for the kosher consumers’ consumption. While guaranteeing the highest standards of kashrut, these indispensable trips often produce tasty food for thought as well.

Integrated Pharmaceuticals Gains OU Kosher Certification

Integrated Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that, after successful completion of inspection of its production facility, the company received the Kosher Certification from the Orthodox Union (OU) for all of its products.

A New OU Kosher Video Release: The Mesorah Of Kosher Birds And Animals

Experience this video of the historic one day ASK OU conference about the Mesorah of Kosher Birds and Animals in its entirety.

The Seventh Annual ASK OU Internship Program

The seventh annual ASK OU internship program–the most intensive kosher education program to train rabbinic field representatives in the art and science of kashrut–was held this past summer at OU headquarters and in the field.

An OU Program Brings A Busy Kosher Kitchen To Cornell

OU brings the most trusted Kosher Supervision to Cornell University.

Clarification Of The Second Cut At Agriprocessors

An explanation of the second cut done at the Agriprocessors abattoir.

Setting The Record Straight On Kosher Slaughter

An Op-ed Setting the Record Straight on the Kosher Slaughter at Agriprocessors in Iowa