OU Kosher Staff

Building on a Great Relationship: Dean Foods Northeast Discovers the Joys of Consolidation

The company describes itself as proud to be in the business of enhancing and enriching the lives of its consumers. The fact that the OU shares these noble goals explains the Dean Foods Northeast Region and the OU’s consummate connection.

Unilever United States: Adding Vitality to Life with the Orthodox Union

Univeler’s corporate mission—to add vitality to life—responds to 21ST century consumers. But the spirit of this mission has infused our entire history, starting in the late 19TH century.

The Hole Truth: Together, Bagels & the OU Have an Unbeatable Personality

There is a definite connection between New Yorkers and the New York City bagel. New Yorkers are tough and firm on the outside but gentle and caring on the inside. A real New York City bagel too, is hard and crispy on the outside but moist and chewy on the inside. New Yorkers are shiny and flamboyant on the outside but good old down-to-earth and friendly on the inside. A real New York City bagel too, is burnished and slick on the outside but mushy and snug on the inside.

Sound The Bell For Bell’s Bialys (& Bagels)

About 50 years ago, Warren Bell’s father started making bialys (which take their name from the Polish city, Bialystok) in basements in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, NY. Since that time,Warren has built the family business into a global supplier of bagels and bialys. Given today’s new machinery, anyone can make a bagel, but no one can make a bialy like us. Unlike bagels, bialys are not glazed.These days many companies use freeze dried onions;we only use fresh onions, which makes our bialys so unique.

Just Bagels: Crunchy On The Outside, Chewy On The Inside

Just Bagels started as a small retail and wholesale bagel store in 1992. Today, the company occupies a 44,000-square-foot facility in the Hunts Point section of the Bronx, NY, running 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offering an extensive line of fresh, frozen, and parbaked products.

Professor Temple Grandin, Foremost Expert On Humane Slaughter, Visits Agriprocessors Plant

OU announces that Professor Temple Grandin, foremost expert on humane slaughter, visits Agriprecessors plant and expresses satisfaction with practices now in effect there.

Caption: OU Honors G. Jacobs Of Forest Hills With Kashrut Chair

At a warm, heartfelt and elegant event, one of the Orthodox Union’s most enthusiastic and long-standing leaders, Gustave Jacobs of Forest Hills, NY, and his wife Henriette, were honored at the naming and dedication of the Henriette and Gustave Jacobs Chair in Kashrut Education in the OU Kosher Division. The cocktail reception and buffet dinner, attended by a large gathering of Jewish communal leaders, was held recently at OU headquarters in New York.

Concession and Consumption: An Approach to Kashruth

It is no mere coincidence that men steeped in Torah law and learning chose to take up medicine as a profession. The Sages saw a clear connection between medicine and religion, between the body and the soul. Our bodies, they taught, belong to God and have been given to us on loan, as it were, during our stay on earth. Caring for the body by keeping it clean and healthy is a religious duty that honors God; neglecting and abusing the body is a sin that profanes Him. Thus, questions of nutrition or body care are approached halachically as earnestly and scrupulously as are questions of Jewish ritual. “The human figure,” says the Zohar, “unites all that is above and all that is below; therefore, the Ancient of Ancients has chosen it for His form.” “The body is the soul’s house. Shouldn’t we therefore take care of our house so that it doesn’t fall into ruin?” Philo inquired.

OU Introduces KosherProfessionals.com Website For Those In The Kosher Field

The Kosher Division of the Orthodox Union, which already maintains the oukosher.org website with its multiplicity of features for general audiences as well as for companies, has created a website specifically for professionals, to provide insights into the increasingly complex and changing field of kosher certification.

Dairy Labeling Policy

The Orthodox Union requires the use of the OU-D symbol on products that contain dairy ingredients.