OU Kosher Staff

What Could Be Wrong With the “K?”

A number of years ago, an OU-certified company requested authorization to use “Charlie’s Bread Crumbs” in their product. Since a “K” was prominently displayed on the bread crumb label, I called the Charlie company to inquire which rabbi provided their kosher supervision. Mr. Johnson politely advised me that they were under the strict supervision of […]

Pass the Latkes!

My mother a”h used to fry everything. Potatoes, meatballs, chicken, veal—you name it! If it could be batter dipped, even better! Even today, when I smell fried foods my mouth begins to water. As an adult who is somewhat health conscious, I generally do not eat fried foods. Don’t get me wrong: fried foods are […]

OU KOSHER Returns To Brooklyn With Program At Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin Featuring Rabbis Genack, Elefant and Fuchs: Bedikas Toyloim Guide to be Distributed

Orthodox Union kashrus experts will return to Brooklyn on Sunday evening January 3, 2016 to provide an expected large crowd of men and women with a high-level shiur on various aspects of kashrus.  The program, one in a continuing series of Harry H. Beren ASK OU OUTREACH sessions, will be held at 8:00 p.m. at […]

Kosher Upgrade Wash or ‘Kosherization’ Wash

OU certified kosher upgrade wash facilities provide their customers with the highest quality washes to meet their needs. Two types of kosher washes service are provided by a certified wash facility: 1) Kosher Maintenance Wash 2) Kosher Upgrade, or ‘Kosherization’ Wash When is ‘kosherization’ necessary? ‘Kosherization’ is the process of bringing a vessel that was […]

Kosher Maintenance Wash

Kosher Maintenance Wash OU certified kosher maintenance wash facilities provide their customers with the highest quality washes to meet their needs. Two types of kosher washes service are provided by a certified wash facility: 1) Kosher Maintenance Wash 2) Kosher Upgrade, or ‘Kosherization’ Wash Every OU certified wash facility is authorized to perform kosher maintenance […]

OU Railcar Kosherization Protocols

The information below outlines the necessary procedures for railcar kosherization of railcars. “Kosherization” is a particular temperature-specific procedure required for railcars previously hauling non-kosher to qualify to haul kosher product. The presence of an OU field rabbi is typically required for procedure verification. Please contact your Rabbinic Coordinator, Rabbi Twersky, at 212-613-8388 or at twerskyy@ou.org […]

What Could Be Wrong With…The Supervision of Rabbi So-and-So?

Many people believe that all rabbis who provide supervision can be presumed to be equally reliable. This great leap of faith is not rooted in reality nor is it a reasonable assumption to make. We would not entrust our physical well-being to any surgeon who is licensed to perform operations. Why should we entrust our […]

Ten Interesting New OU-Certified Products From Kosherfest 2015

I meant to save a bit of the brownie for my husband, but I had eaten the whole thing before I realized. Before I had even eaten breakfast. I tried to rationalize it was okay to give in to my chocolate craving because these were made with black beans and cocoa.  Made by Pure Genius—a […]

The Continuing World-Wide Adventures Of Phyllis Koegel: Stranded In Germany —Who Am I Going To Call?

Leo “Zeidi” Bleier, father of the author. Growing up, my father always used to tell me that I had to learn to take care of myself. If I was ever in trouble, he explained, no one would help me. His attitude wasn’t a surprise: my late father survived Dachau. Known to all as Zeidi Leo, […]

Night Of Jewish Unity And Record-Breaking Challah

ON THE NIGHT of October 21, Brooklyn’s Grand Prospect Hall came face to face with a phenomenon it had never seen before: Yid-lock. 2,200 Jewish women from all walks of life streamed into the building for Project Inspire’s Great Big Challah Bake, causing a one-hour bottleneck in the lobby. “Our goal was to create an […]