OU Kosher Staff

Carnauba: The Wax Which Does Not Wane

The manufacture of Carnauba Wax and its role in different industries.

Shabbos Shaylos: Asking a Non-Jew To Relight A Hotel Kitchen’s Fire

Can one ask a non-Jew to relight a hotel kitchen’s fire which has been extinguished?

The Seventh Annual ASK OU Internship Program

The seventh annual ASK OU internship program–the most intensive kosher education program to train rabbinic field representatives in the art and science of kashrut–was held this past summer at OU headquarters and in the field.

An OU Program Brings A Busy Kosher Kitchen To Cornell

OU brings the most trusted Kosher Supervision to Cornell University.

Just Another Eggsample

Possible Kosher Concerns with Raw Eggs

Fatty Thoughts

An introduction to fatty acids and their role in food manufacture.

Clarification Of The Second Cut At Agriprocessors

An explanation of the second cut done at the Agriprocessors abattoir.

Setting The Record Straight On Kosher Slaughter

An Op-ed Setting the Record Straight on the Kosher Slaughter at Agriprocessors in Iowa

What Could Be Wrong With…Gum Arabic

Potential Kosher issues with Gum Arabic

Food Ingredients Label: A Primer on Regulations

Should salmon raised on feed that artificially keeps its flesh pink be labeled as containing “color additives”? That question is the subject of a class action lawsuit in Seattle against major supermarkets there. It is one of a number of lawsuits brewing across the country that center on food labeling, and it brings into focus […]