Kellogg’s Receives “OU Company of the Year” Award

Kellogg's Receives Company of the Year Award

And the Winner Is…

When OU Kosher held is annual Spring Conference at a Brooklyn Hotel, it brought together the entire staff of Rabbinic Coordinators and Rabbinic Field Representatives.  Among the highlights of the two-day program was the presentation of two very special awards, the “OU Company of the Year Award” to Kellogg Company; and the “OU Professional Partner of the Year Award” to Treehouse Private Brands.  The details are as follows:

Elizabeth Seibert is Senior Quality Compliance Manager for the Kellogg Company. In this capacity, she oversees implementation and adherence to strict regulatory guidelines and standards among the dozens of Kellogg Company manufacturing sites. This has made Ms. Seibert uniquely qualified to preside over the management of all aspects of kosher certification for the Kellogg Company.

Ms. Seibert assumed this responsibility with great dedication and sensitivity and a passion to learn the regulatory standards required by kosher dietary law. Managing kosher certification has literally become, for Ms. Seibert, a labor of love as she has attested. “I do so love learning more and more about kosher dietary law,” she says.   Ms. Seibert’s penchant towards detail and organization, coupled with her passionate love for kosher, is an exemplary model for all kosher coordinators. The OU is proud to show its appreciation for Ms. Siebert’s extraordinary efforts in maintaining the highest standards of OU kosher certification by bestowing the Kellogg Company with the OU’s “2016 Company of the Year Award.”


Photo L-R: Mr. Harvey Blitz, Chairman, OU Kosher; Ms. Elizabeth Seibert, Senior Quality Compliance Manager, Kellogg Company; Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO, OU Kosher; Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein, Rabbinic Coordinator, OU Kosher; Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO, OU Kosher.

OU Kosher Staff