Industrial Kosher Articles

Spray Dryers & The Kosherization Process

Spray Drying is an effective mode of drying due to simultaneous mass and heat transfer. Spray dryers are used by the industry in chemical and food processing to manufacture dried eggs, powdered milk, animal feed, cake mixes, citrus juices, coffee, corn syrup, cream, creamers, fish and meat concentrates, infant formulas, potatoes, shortening, starch derivatives, tea, tomato puree, yeast, and yogurt. The substances are homogenous in nature and the powders are usually spherical in shape and approximately 10-140 microns.

Market Intelligence: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Over the ten years that I’ve been in kosher/Jewish marketing, I’ve received dozens of phone calls from brand mangers, manufacturers, importers and the like asking what the kosher consumer would think of this new product or that.

Here’s the Buzz on Certifying Veggies as Insect-Free

Vegetables have forever been a basic staple of a person’s diet. Rich in fiber and vitamins, God’s gift to mankind is essential to maintaining one’s health. Unexpectedly, certain types of vegetables also provide a good source of protein. Vegetables rich in protein are those that provide a safe haven for insects, with the protein found in the insect itself. This trend has made the kosher certification of vegetables highly challenging. Insects are naturally found in the environment and in farm fields. However, kosher law strictly prohibits the consumption of insects.

So You Hate Regulatory Paperwork? The OU Comes To The Rescue

Everyone, it seems, hates regulatory paperwork. So here is some good news: the Orthodox Union is now available to help your company comply with the Kosher laws of New York State and New Jersey.

The New China: Booming Economy, Growing OU Presence

Approximately twenty-five years ago, the Chinese government decided to remake the country. China was up to that point a completely Stalinist-Maoist economy, wallowing in poverty, despite the fact that it is the world’s third largest country, blessed with various climates and abundant natural resources.

The China Syndrome: Products Help To Fuel Giant Economic Growth

There is no doubt that anyone who has visited China in the last decade as a tourist or businessman has seen the unbelievable growth taking place in every phase of the Chinese economy, save for population. (As of this writing the population is holding at approximately 1.3 billion people.) Like any other industry in China, the food industry is hardly an exception. When numbers are spoken about in China they are not in terms of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, but rather in terms of millions and billions.

What happens When A Question Of Jewish Law Goes To The OU’s Poskim

The process of certifying an item as OU kosher is based entirely on halacha – Jewish law. OU RC’s (Rabbinic Coordinators) and RFR’s (Rabbinic Field Representatives) are of course well versed in halacha and apply Jewish law in all aspects of the certification process. During the course of their work, however, when unique situations arise with no clear cut answer or precedent to halachic questions, rabbis in the field and their coordinators in New York have a mighty resource to call on – OU poskim, or experts at the highest levels in Jewish law. The following is a case study on how OU poskim make their decisions, and on the dynamic process which is involved in their deliberations. For this case study, we must travel all the way to Australia, home of a dairy company named Murray Goulburn.

When Dreams Become Reality: The Marvels Of OU Special Production

It is without question that the primary objective of companies which commit themselves to kosher certification is to broaden their market and increase sales. However, the nature of the kosher program might also restrict a company from pursuing other markets that could compromise its integrity. For example, for companies that typically manufacture OU-D certified products, […]

The Case Of The Baffling Bialy

The question had haunted him for years. If there was one sore point in an otherwise legendary career, it was Mac’s inability to find a problem with the OU. GAZING AT HIS REFLECTION in the gritty office window, Milton “Mac” Donald, Kosher Private I, was impressed at the new dimension seven days without shaving gave […]

OU KOSHER Bringing Boom For Business & Consistent Quality To Consumers

IF THE 70’S ADAGE, “you are what you eat” still holds true, we’re all becoming one big kosher world. Ever since the Biblical commandment to the Jewish nation over three thousand years ago, keeping kosher has remained a vigilant way of life for millions of Jews. But who could have predicted that kosher food production […]