
Kosher Travel 101: Kosher Summer & Travel Videos

Dont Look at the KARMA Cap – Look at What’s in it!

KARMA Wellness Water is a relatively new kosher line of products certified by the OU. These nutritional beverages come in several flavors. The driving force behind Karma is the fact that water-soluble vitamins lose their potency while sitting in water or when they are exposed to moisture. Additionally, those vitamins suffer degradation when they are […]

MDS Trip to the OU

Attending a Yeshiva in Manhattan certainly has its pluses. This Wednesday, our 8B class took a fascinating trip to the center of the Kashrut world, the OU. There we learned all that it takes to make sure that what we are eating is kosher. It is really astonishing how many ingredients and sub-ingredients there are […]

It’s HOT Outside! Check Out the OU SLURPEE & COCA COLA FREESTYLE Lists – Updated for Summer 2017

Kosher Thailand?

Are All Fromages Created Equal? Waiting Between Cheese and Meat

“You mean that I have to wait SIX HOURS after I eat cheese before I can eat meat??” Well, often yes. The Remo (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 89:2) states that the minhag is to wait after eating hard cheese before partaking of meat, just as one waits after meat before dairy; this minhag has become accepted practice for Ashkenazim. (See Chochmas Adam 40:13.)

Keeping Product Labels ‘Kosher’

The Story Behind Kosher Soap

Chametz Sheavar Alav HaPesach: The Supermarket Controversy

Top FAQs of Passover 2017: A Compilation of Consumer hotline, live chat and e-mailed questions

Q: Do raw nuts require certification for Passover? A:  Raw nuts in their shell do not require Passover certification. Shelled nuts that list BHA or BHT (preservatives) in the ingredients require special Passover certification. Please note that regarding peanuts different communities have different customs. Some consider them to be kitniyot; while others eat peanuts on Passover. […]