OU Kosher Staff

OU to Honor Osem USA with National Kashrut Leadership Award at 110th Anniversary National Dinner

The Orthodox Union will present its National Kashrut Leadership Award to Osem USA at the OU’s 110th Anniversary National Dinner, Sunday, April 6 at the Grand Hyatt New York. Osem USA President, Izzet Ozdogan, will accept on behalf of the company.

This Is Not Blarney: OU Certifies Glanbia Ingredients Ireland for Production of Kosher Lactose

OU Kosher announced today that its newly certified company, Glanbia Ingredient Ireland, is producing kosher lactose for baby formulas, with the lactose being supplied to major formula manufacturers in the American market. By working with the OU, Glanbia is able to produce a kosher product without the need repeatedly to kosherize its plant and to modify its production procedures.

Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky Visits OU Headquarters

Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva of the Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia, visited OU headquarters in New York this week to give words of chizuk to an audience of OU Kashrut senior rabbis.

Huge Lakewood Gathering Crowns New OU Kosher Initiative

With the ever-growing focus on kosher food and the intricacies of kashrut, the Orthodox Union, the premier institution in kosher certification, recently established the Harry H. Beren ASK OUTREACH Initiative to provide kosher education to yeshiva students in the convenience of their yeshivot, kollelim and semicha programs. Its latest crown in a series of presentations, which also included Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Yeshiva Ohr Hachaim, and Mesivtah Tiferes Yerusholayim, drew close to 1,000 fascinated members of the Lakewood, NJ, community, making it a standing-room only event. It was held in Khal Zhichron Yaakov synagogue, with the haskomoh of the Beth Medrash Govoha Roshei HaYeshiva and the endorsement of the KCL—Vaad HaKashrut of Lakewood.

OU KOSHER to Present “OU Kosher Coming” Program in New York State Capital District Region on March 5

The OU Kosher Coming program, which will encompass broad segments of the New York State Capital District region, will take place on Wednesday, March 5, featuring Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, OU Kosher Vice President of Communications and Marketing and Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein, OU Kosher Rabbinic Coordinator who specializes in the baking industry and is a frequent lecturer at OU Kosher Coming programs.

Eich Noflim Giborim: Rav Arye Lerman and Rav Shimon Eider

In the past three months, Klal Yisroel suffered the loss of two remarkable individuals, Gedolim in their own rights, who for many years maintained a special relationship with the OU. Each left an indelible imprint on the OU, and in a broader sense, profoundly influenced the world of Kashrus. These two giants were Rav Arye Lerman, zt”l, who was niftar on the 29th day of Tamuz, 5767, and Rav Shimon Eider, zt”l, who was niftar on the 16th of Tishre, 5768.

OU & Food Institute to Present Trade Seminar, 3/19

Ou and Food Institut to Present ‘Identifying Opportunities in the U.S. Food Market:
A Seminar for Trade Consulates,’ on March 19 in New York

OU Position on Certifying Specific Animals and Birds

Daf Notes: The following article is taken from the soon to be published Sourcebook of the Three Day Harry H. Beren LA Halachic Adventure which is to take place Bs’d August 5-7. We thank Rabbi Seth Mandel and Rabbi Chaim Loike for their efforts in transcribing Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita’s response concerning the specific animals and birds listed below.

OU Recommendations for Vaad HaKashrus Supervision

A position paper presented by Rabbi Yaakov Luban, OU Executive Rabbinic Coordinator at the ASK OU-RCA Yom Iyun held at OU Headquarters, NYC, May 1, 2007.

Kashering from a Davar Gush II

I was recently present for the kashering of a cheese plant. The cheese is first heated in a large vat (kli rishon) and then transported via strainers into an unjacketed mixer vat. Since this second vat has no independent source of heat, the product that is poured into the vat is considered to be an irui kli rishon of cham litoch tzonen. However, since the consistency of the cheese at this stage is that of a semi solid, it is likely that we should view this cheese as a davar gush. How do we kasher the mixer that had an irui of a hot davar gush, and the pipes that continue on from there?