OU Kosher Staff

Rabbi to appear with Legal Expert: Let’s Talk Kosher

Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator and Vice President of Communications and Marketing of OU Kosher, will be one of two experts appearing in the webinar, “Let’s Talk Kosher! Kosher Food: What Does it Mean for Food to Be Labeled as Kosher and What Are the Implications for Food Producers, Distributors and Marketers?” The webinar will be presented by the Orthodox Union and the Food Institute on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 12:00 p.m., Eastern time.

Go South Young Mashgiach: An OU RFR Travels the Highways and Byways of the Old Confederacy

A tour of South-Eastern United States with an OU Rabbinic Field Representative meeting products and people that leave a lasting impression.

OU Kosher Baking Manual Sets Industry Standards

The Orthodox Union Kosher Division, the world’s largest and most respected kosher certification agency, today announced the publication of the “OU Manual for the Baking Industry,” a compendium of the knowledge and experience of the expert OU rabbis who travel the world applying the time-honored laws of kosher to the industrial practices of today.

How a Product from Beef Can be Used in Dairy Delicacies

An explanation of how pareve gelatin can be manufactured from beef and therefore be used in dairy products.

Is Sake Kosher?

A discussion of the rules of Kosher sake.

The Perfect Pet of the Pentateuch: Pigeon

A discussion of the pigeon and its status in Judaism.

Colombia: Land of (Kosher) Opportunity

A survey of the opportunities for Kosher in the country of Colombia.

OU Announces Advanced Kosher Course for Women

From August 24-28, OU Kosher will offer a special kashrut course specifically geared for women. In the course, according to Rabbi Grossman, participants will enhance their kashrut knowledge and skills by “hands-on” instruction from OU experts, as well as from OU instructional DVD’s in areas of kosher food management such as checking vegetables for insects; Hafroshat Chalah (the separation or tithing of challah); blood spots in eggs; shaylos (or questions) dealing with chickens which should be brought to a Rav for a psak (halachic decision); meat and dairy control; identifying and purchasing kosher fish; and becoming an educated kosher consumer.

The Tasty Muffin: Starting off Your Day the OU Way

A discussion of the Kosher certification of muffins.

Bazooka Candy Brand’s Top-Selling Ring Pop Certified Kosher

Bazooka Candy Brands, a division of Topps Inc., announced today that Ring Pop, its bestselling candy, has been kosher certified by the Orthodox Union. Production of the newly kosher Ring Pop, with brand new packaging bearing the “OU” symbol, begins this month with the candy shipping to retailers nationwide in August.