Gary Magder

OU Kosher Launches Innovative App to Streamline RFR Field Inspections 

OU Kosher has developed a new mobile application designed to enhance and simplify the field inspection process for Rabbinic Field Representatives (RFRs). Recognizing the unique challenges faced by RFRs, especially in plants with limited or no Wi-Fi connectivity, this app offers a suite of features tailored to streamline inspection reporting and improve overall efficiency.  Insights […]

Overview of New OU Kosher Certified Product Launches in 2024 

Overview of New OU Kosher Certified Product Launches in 2024  The first half of 2024 has seen a variety of new products from companies that proudly carry the OU Kosher certification. These new offerings cater to the dietary needs of the kosher community and bring unique flavors and health-conscious options to the market. Here’s a […]

Walmart’s Bettergoods: Highlighting OU Kosher Certification

Walmart’s new store brand, Bettergoods, is its most extensive private-label food launch in decades. Featuring a diverse range of products, including seasonings, plant-based cheeses, and Italian bronze-cut pasta, Bettergoods currently includes about 80 OU kosher-certified products, with plans for this number to grow. The prevalence of OU kosher-certified products among the store brands of major […]

What is a Mashgiach?

A Mashgiach supervises kosher food production to ensure compliance with halacha (biblical laws), serving as a crucial link between dietary commandments and modern food production techniques.  Kosher supervision involves checking multiple aspects of food production. This includes reviewing the ingredients used, watching over how food is cooked, and making sure that the equipment used is […]

Hiland Global Consulting: Pioneers of Full-Circle Certification Management

Hiland Global Consulting is recognized in the food industry for its comprehensive expertise in certification processes and production protocols. The firm’s team have developed an global partnership network with certification agencies that helps to streamline regulatory and quality assurance processes for their clientele. Hiland specializes in a wide array of certifications including Kosher and is […]

Maximizing Brand Trust with OU Symbol Visibility

Global Recognition and Diverse Appeal  The OU Kosher certification symbol is globally recognized, signifying adherence to kosher dietary laws while representing a commitment to quality, safety, and consumer trust. This certification is highly sought after, extending its appeal far beyond kosher diets to consumers with dietary preferences that include gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan. The rigorous […]

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics: The Trio Transforming Gut Health

Introduction  As we delve deeper into the science of nutrition and the complexities of the microbiome, it’s becoming increasingly clear how significant the roles of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics are in our overall health. This evolving understanding is driving a surge in consumer interest, particularly among those seeking products that are compatible with kosher dietary […]

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics: The Trio Transforming Gut Health

Introduction  As the growing recognition of the crucial roles probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics play in our overall health gains momentum, fuelled by evolving understanding of the gut microbiome, a surge in consumer interest is sweeping the market, particularly among those actively seeking kosher-compatible options. At OU Kosher, we stay attuned to these trends and regularly […]

Bee-ing Kosher:Grupo Bio Vital’s Natural Approach to Wellness

Introduction to Biovital’s Mission and Products  OU Kosher: Could you give a general overview of what your company does and your products?  Israel Salazar: Our company, based out of Cartagena, operates primarily from our office in Bogota. We specialize in products aimed at boosting the immune system, particularly targeting respiratory problems and flu symptoms. Our […]

Bridging Kosher Wishes and Market Realities: Kosher Consumers Speak

Bridging Kosher Wishes and Market Realities: OU Kosher’s Unique Consumer-Company Dialogue  As a nonprofit community service organization, OU Kosher transcends the traditional boundaries of certification agencies, deeply ingraining itself in the daily lives of tens of thousands of kosher consumers globally. This is the story of how OU Kosher is reshaping the dialogue between those […]