From the training of your plant personnel to the updating of your marketing department, we believe that regular communication that informs and educates is the key to an effective and harmonious relationship. We have created many different communications vehicles through which you will continue to learn more about us:
- Behind the Union Symbol: a quarterly magazine that reaches over 4,000 food industry executives, and contains articles on our client companies, reviews and updates on specific industry advances, and helpful pieces on getting the most out of OU certification.
- The OU Kosher Video, an entertaining, 15-minute behind-the-scenes look at the certification process, and how going kosher affects your plant and your marketing. (Also available on CD and in Spanish and Chinese.) Another video will help you streamline your kosher program to the greatest advantage.
- Our website contains comprehensive information on kosher certification. We also feature links to the websites of many of our client companies with whom we make reciprocal arrangements. Recognized as one of the premier Jewish sites in the world, is seen by over 10,000 individuals each day.
- Specialized seminars by industry for management and plant supervisors where companies can discuss industry-specific problems and share solutions and initiatives to improve their kosher programs. Additionally, you can ask us for information on any aspect of kosher food production at any time. In particular, if you are having difficulty locating an acceptable source for an ingredient for a new product, the OU database can be a highly useful resource, and we will of course be happy to recommend your products to other clients.