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Pesach Seminar On The Web

The OU/RCA pre-Pesach Seminar, originally given on Monday, March 28 is now available online.

The annual half day conference for rabbis took place at the OU Monday, March 28, from 10:00 am to 1:45 pm.

Below is a schedule for the event:

10:00 AM Rabbi Emanuel Holzer Welcome
10:15 AM Rabbi Menachem Genack Shiur
11:00 AM Rabbi Gavriel Price & Rabbi Avraham Juravel Nutritionals for Infants and Adults
11:45 AM Rabbi Yisroel Belsky Erev Pesach/Shabbat Issues
12:30 – 1:15 PM Offline for lunch
1:15 PM Rabbi Shmuel Singer What’s New For 5765
1:45 PM Rabbi Moshe Elefant Proper Certification of Meat etc.
OU Kosher Staff