Consumer Kosher Articles


We live in a world of technological advancements. How we approach new inventions, medical procedures etc., and their impact on halacha can be highly complicated and very confusing. We have therefore been blessed from one generation to the next with Gedolei Yisroel whose broad shoulders have borne the responsibility to address these types of issues. This article will focus on a not-so-recent technological advancement, but one that nevertheless has been discussed quite extensively by poskim, the microscope.

Milk from a Possibly Treif Cow

Halacha states that milk from a tereifah animal – meaning an animal which suffers from a mortal wound, as understood by Chazal – is non-kosher. (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 81:1) This prompts a good question: How can one know whether or not the milk he consumes is from a tereifah cow?


The etymology of the word perfume is of Latin origin, and is a hybrid of two words “per fume”, which means “through smoke”. Perfumes were first created in the Middle East many centuries ago, and eventually spread its way throughout Europe. Today perfumes are an integral part of the booming cosmetics industry.

Frozen Pizza: Some Hot Kashrus Issues

The role of pizza in America and the general Western world has undergone a major transformation in the past quarter century.

Tevilat Keilim: A Primer

In a world of proliferating products and differing kosher standards, one is frequently confronted with the awkward decision to accept or reject food or drink offered by a host(ess).

Wine Is Fine, But Liquor….Brandy, Cognac And Other Distilled Wine Spirits

As we approach the Purim season, we can be thankful that today there are many reliably kosher-certified brandies, cognacs and liquors on the market. Let’s examine the kashrus issues of distilled wine spirits.


The author of this article, and the Orthodox Union, do not endorse smoking. Indeed, we shall see below that many contemporary poskim opposed smoking altogether. However, some earlier authorities did discuss various aspects of smoking. The purpose of this article is to provide the reader with information about the halachic aspects of smoking on Pesach, Yom Tov, and all year round.

Tu B’Shvat: New Year for the Trees – Good Time to Review Halachic Issues Related to Dried Fruit

There is a general dictum in Halacha that we review issues relevant to each chag prior to it.

Don’t Forget to take Your Vitamins – Don’t Worry, They’re Kosher

A growing number of Americans across the country are becoming more health conscious and their shopping carts are showing it – packed with organic produce; soy franks and burgers; spelt bread and pretzels; and a variety of vitamins and herb products.Today’s national supermarket chains are responding to this wholesome trend, featuring an expanding vitamin and herb section with multiple shelves of every combination, brand and potency. Thanks to the foresight and business acumen of a number of major vitamin companies, more and more kosher customers are frequenting these supplement sections, happily perusing an assortment of OU kosher brands. Words like antioxidant, ginkgo biloba, and glucosamine have made it into the kosher community’s vernacular, kitchen cabinets and daily nutritional regimen.

The OU Becomes the Big Cheese at European Dairy Companies

As the global marketplace becomes a local reality at the doorsteps of every consumer, more and more top-quality
European specialty products as never before imagined are increasingly available on these shores. While this is the case in general, it is especially notable in the kosher market, where kosher consumers now have neighborhood access to numerous overseas products that are renowned for their quality and branding across the Atlantic but were heretofore unavailable on this side of the Pond.