
Rivka Zinnes, Baltimore, MD: Bnos Yisroel, Grade 5

Baruch Hashem, I am now a fully observant Torah Jew, but when I was growing up I did not go to a Jewish school, I never went to synagogue, and I did not keep Kosher. I actually thought that Kosher meant certain Israeli recipes. One day, as a young teenager, I was in a store […]

Marissa Young, West Hempstead, NY – Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, Grade 8

Is keeping kosher more than just a way of eating? It is a question that can be pondered for an extensive amount of time. The simple answer is, no; it is merely just a way that orthodox Jewish people eat. However, once you take a deeper look, you can find that, yes, keeping kosher really […]

Elana Trombka, Rockville, MD: Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy, Grade 10

Dear Sarah, Thanks for visiting me last week. It was really great to see you and discuss your thoughts and questions about becoming more religious. I have been thinking about your questions and would like to share with you some more of my thoughts about why it is so important to me to keep kosher […]

Dovid Tzvi Penfil, Lakewood, NJ: Lakewood Cheder School, Grade 4

My Kosher Day Kosher food tastes very good. Most of the stuff I like to eat is OU kosher. I wake up in the morning and wash negel vaser, but I’m very hungry. So I go into the kitchen and look for some OU kosher breakfast to eat. I know!! I’ll eat a bowl of […]

Daniel E. Danesh, Brooklyn, NY: Yeshiva Ateret Torah, Grade 12

Dear Josh, It’s been close to two months since we’ve graduated high school and I’m not ashamed to admit but I’ve been thinking about you. The summer has drawn to a close and I will soon fly to Israel to further my Jewish studies, but before I do, I must write to you a letter […]

Alaina Haviv, Woodmere, NY: Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, Grade 7

Dear Josh, I would like to thank you and your family for inviting me over for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. Although we’ve been friends for years and my being kosher has never bothered you, I realize you have a hard time understanding it. You’re not the only […]

Chametz She’avar Alav HaPesach

The general rule is that any chametz for which a Jew violated the Biblical prohibitions of Bal Yiraeh U’bal Yimatzei becomes forbidden forever as chametz she’avar alav ha-Pesach. This penalty applies whether the transgression was violated knowingly or unknowingly, and even if the Jew was completely unaware of the prohibitions of chametz or the Yom Tov of Pesach .

Eich Noflim Giborim: Rav Arye Lerman and Rav Shimon Eider

In the past three months, Klal Yisroel suffered the loss of two remarkable individuals, Gedolim in their own rights, who for many years maintained a special relationship with the OU. Each left an indelible imprint on the OU, and in a broader sense, profoundly influenced the world of Kashrus. These two giants were Rav Arye Lerman, zt”l, who was niftar on the 29th day of Tamuz, 5767, and Rav Shimon Eider, zt”l, who was niftar on the 16th of Tishre, 5768.

OU Position on Certifying Specific Animals and Birds

Daf Notes: The following article is taken from the soon to be published Sourcebook of the Three Day Harry H. Beren LA Halachic Adventure which is to take place Bs’d August 5-7. We thank Rabbi Seth Mandel and Rabbi Chaim Loike for their efforts in transcribing Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita’s response concerning the specific animals and birds listed below.

OU Recommendations for Vaad HaKashrus Supervision

A position paper presented by Rabbi Yaakov Luban, OU Executive Rabbinic Coordinator at the ASK OU-RCA Yom Iyun held at OU Headquarters, NYC, May 1, 2007.