OU Kosher Staff

The Baking Industry: Part 2

The Baking Industry Part 2 – Rabbi Yisroel Paretzky – Recorded on August 14, 2006 at OU world Headquarters in NY,NY as part of the Harry H. Beren Ask OU8 Kashruth Internship Program.


Our contract establishes obligations for your company, your manufacturers, and for the Orthodox Union (OU). Here are some of them: 合同方-贵司,贵司的供应商和OU必须遵守合同规定的各项责任。合同中规定: The Schedule “A” is the list of the authorized raw materials. It has the name of the plant in the upper left corner. If a raw material is not classified as “Approved” on the […]

Is this Worm Kosher? The Kashrus of Tolayim In Fish

Educated kosher consumers are well aware that kosher fish require two characteristics, fins and scales. However, many are uninformed about the relevance of insects to the kashrus of fish. Despite a familiarity amongst consumers about tolayim issues in fruits and vegetables, many are unaware of discussions in Shas and Shulchan Aruch about how this area […]

Behind the Labels

As temperatures continue their upward climb, in many instances posting record highs, tired and thirsty families take refuge in the treats of summer: creamy ice cream bars, tangy fruit punches that paint one’s teeth, sticky chocolates that melt in the hand. These are the rewards for another day of heat endurance, pulled from the recesses […]

What’s The Truth About…Kosher Soap?

Misconception:There is no valid reason to use kosher soap.

Fact:There is a solid halachic basis for using kosher soap exclusively.

What’s the Truth About…Giraffe Meat!

Misconception: Although the giraffe is a kosher animal, it is not slaughtered because it is not known where on the neck to perform the shechitah (ritual slaughter).

Fact: The makom shechitah (region of the neck in which ritual slaughter is valid) on a giraffe is precisely defined by halachah, just as it is for all animals, and the only impediments to shechting giraffe are cost and practical considerations. (They are among the most difficult animals to restrain.)

What’s The Truth About…Glatt Kosher

Misconception : “Glatt Kosher” means something like “extra kosher” and applies to chicken and fish as well as meat.

Fact: Glatt is Yiddish for smooth, and in the context of kashrut it means that the lungs of the animal were smooth, without any adhesions that could potentially prohibit the animal as a treifa, an issue only applicable to animals, not fowl or non-meat products.

What’s The Truth About … Nikkur Achoraim?

Misconception: Nikkur achoraim (rendering the hindquarters of an animal fit for kosher consumption) is a Sephardic practice that is banned by rabbinic fiat for Ashkenazim and thus not performed in the United States.
Fact: There is no such ban, and nikkur was practiced in many Ashkenazic communities into the twentieth century. The practice of some communities to refrain from eating hindquarters, owing to the difficulty in excising the forbidden sections, continues to exist among both Ashkenazim and Sephardim.

A Milestone is Achieved: Harry H. Beren ASKOU Kosher Training Program Graduates its 500th Student

This year’s programs drew the largest number ever of participants, with 24 in a three-week internship session and 75 in a one-week training program. The students who intend to go into kosher supervision full-time and have already developed an extensive background in kosher law usually attend the three-week session. They are currently pursuing rabbinic ordination or are involved in a post-ordination kollel — an institute of advanced Jewish studies. The one-week students include as well synagogue rabbis or members of a community Vaad HaKashrut who conduct kosher supervision on a local level.

Rabbi Kalinsky, OU West Coast Director, Fine-Tunes his Kashrut Skills at ASK OU 8 Seminar

Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, Director of the Orthodox Union on the West Coast, who is also one of the OU’s kosher certification experts, wanted to fine-tune his skills and so he flew to New York last week to attend the OU’s ASK OU 8 seminar on kosher certification. The ASKOU program, held every other summer, provides […]