OU Kosher Staff

OU KOSHER Comes To Your Rescue During Pre-Passover Busy Season

Some Tips to Ease Your Passover Preparations “Come on in”, says a voice behind two large computer screens. The rabbi, whose velvety yarmulke and raised eyebrows are barely visible beneath ancient and contemporary books stacked as high as the Pyramid of Giza, is now in the middle of busy season – answering consumer questions for […]

OU KOSHER Brings Two Pre-Pesach Unique Shiurim To Lakewood, Monday, April 18 At Noon

            As Pesach approaches, OU Kosher will bring its Harry H. Beren ASK OU Outreach program to Lakewood for two special shiurim to be held Monday, April 18. Its primary audience is Bnei HaYeshivos, yeshiva students, during Bein HaZemanim, their Pesach vacation. It will be held at Congregation Lev Avos, […]

May Non-Pesach Certified Milk Be Used If Bottled Before Pesach?

Chametz before Pesach is like any other issur in that it can be batel b’shishim. However, if pirurim (crumbs) of chametz b’en might remain in the food, even if those crumbs are batel chad b’trei, the chametz on Pesach will bechozer v’niyur. However, Rema (O.C. 447:4) writes that if the chametz is lach b’lach (either […]

OU KOSHER Pre-Passover Webinar 2016: Watch it now!

Sign Up for OU Kosher’s Live Passover 2016 Webinar, Wednesday, April 6

A Work In Progress: Roe, Roe, Roe Your Fish

Azkarah for the Shloshim of Rav Belsky at OU Kosher – A Unique Gadol in Halacha and in Kashrus

On 20 Adar I/March 2, OU Kosher held a major azkarah for the Shloshim of Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt”l, who served as senior OU posek for Kashrus for almost three decades. The packed crowd, which included OU senior leadership and staff, as well as a large contingency of the Belsky family, heard OU Kosher […]

HaRav Chaim Yisroel HaLevi Belsky, Zatsal: Recorded, Remembered, and Reflected Upon

For just shy of 16 years, I had the immeasurable Zechus to interact with Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Yisroel HaLevi Belsky, Zatzal, in his capacity as a Senior Poseik with the Kashrus Division of the Orthodox Union (“the OU”), in which I serve as a Rabbinic Coordinator. I would like to share here some of […]

Praise Abounds for OU Kosher’s New Halacha Yomis Program in Memory of Rav Belsky zt”l

Late this past January, in response to a severe illness that threatened the life of its posek (halachic decisor) Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, OU Kosher announced a new program, Halacha Yomis, in which a kashrus halacha would be emailed to subscribers each working day. The program was organized, as OU Kosher noted, with the hope […]

Kosher Brings Out the Best at Winter Fancy Food Show 2016

For the past 25 years I’ve been coming to San Francisco every year to attend the Winter Fancy Food show. I admit, getting out of the New York winter every January is certainly a bonus, but attending this growing event is much more than a foodie’s dream, it’s a reunion of the important players in […]