It is with great excitement that we present to the general public, OU Kosher Halacha Yomis. We believe that this feature will be of great value and importance to Klal Yisroel.
At the same time, we launch this new endeavor during a week of Shiva, as we mourn the passing of Moreinu Virabeinu, Harav Hagoan, Rav Yisroel Belsky, Zt”l . Our joy and pride is now intertwined with sadness and sorrow.
The original impetus for this project was a desire to disseminate short halachic tidbits as a zechus for Rabbi Belsky, with the hope he would have a refuah sheleima from his illness. As halachic consultant for the OU for more than 28 years, the imprint of Rabbi Belsky is felt in all areas of OU halachic policy. Many of the selections of the Halacha Yomis are based on psokim of Rabbi Belsky. With the passing of Rabbi Belsky, we are now dedicating this column in his memory.
We are certain that OU Kosher Halacha Yomis will bring an aliyas neshama (elevation of the soul) of this great gadol, whose past contribution to OU kashrus will continue for years to come.